Automatic Monkey said:
I don't know, the chain of reasoning in BJ seems pretty casual to me- there are a lot of high cards left in the shoe, high cards being played give the player the advantage therefore I will bet more now.
As I acknowleged, Blackjack is somewhere in between traditional "casino gambing" (i.e. games where there is absolutely no way to make educated logical approximations as to what will happen next on the basis of past events) and making extrapolations on the basis of market information (which allows you to make intelligent approximations). Indeed you could probably argue that Blackjack is on a similar level when card-counting in that you are making educated guesses about future outcomes on the basis of previous outcomes (although its also arguable that statistical reasoning is less 'connective' than logical reasoning but thats a different point).
I'd argue that making predictions on markets is closer to sports betting than casino gambling, in that there is more information that needs to be factored into the prediction and this information can be used to make an intelligent speculation as to what will happen.
The Intrade platform identifies derivatives trading for what it really is, as you can trade contracts on changes in stock indices just like you can on the weather.
First, derivatives are simply financial products whose value is derived from another underlying asset. Derivative price fluctuations can be intelligently predicted by, for example, looking at the market for the underlying asset. If the world supply of bananas is decimated by a disease, you can expect derivatives for banana trading to be effected significantly (people that are purchasing forwards in bananas (i.e. they agreed upon a future price) are going to be very happy).
Indeed market prices really are just 'average' valuations of things on the basis of collected information. Information gets 'priced into' the market prices. For more on this, see F. A. Hayek's work.
The issue I have is lumping 'market price fluctuations' in with gambling. Whilst I will grant that advantage play on Blackjack allows intelligent guesses, I do have some difficulties with blurring the distinction between speculating in a market and putting all one's money on black in Roulette.