Is a double deck game with good rules but only 50% penetration beatable?


Is a standard vegas double deck game with good rules but only 50% penetration beatable? If so what kind of minimum bet spreads need to be used? Any tricks to get the cut card lowered to around 75%?


Well-Known Member
For Las Vegas Strip (2 Deck) game and 50% penetration

if you use Hi-opt II and spread 4 you will have an edge of 0.63%
You have positive expectations as long as you spread 2, but in that case edge is very small 0.26%

With bankroll of $ 3000 and if you spread 4 you can expect to make $6 on average per hour.

For the same bankrol if you spread 2 $1.33 per hour.

But if your bankroll is $50 000 and you spread 2 you will be amking on average $22.86 if you spread 3 mmmmmmmm $63.2 bucks per hour nice!!!! What a job!!!

Yes you can make some money but it will depend on your bankroll, because you do not want to spread a lot in hand held games.


I use the KO. Never seemed to have any succes in that game. what do you mean spread 4? what kind of dollar amounts are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
If you use KO

you should be making a little bit less per hour. Because KO is less effective than Hi-opt II or some other advanced counting system. I personally think that Hi-opt II is perfect. Yes it is hard a little bit to master it, but it will give you extra advantage, that will make you more money on average especially if your bankroll is larger( difference will be more noticeable)

Spread 4 means if your minimum bet is 5 bucks for negative counts your maximum bet should be 20 bucks 5x4=20

so your betting would look like this
5 - 10 - 15 - 20. In general your bet amount depends on advantage you have. You should bet in proportion of your advantage and bankroll.

For example: Your bankroll is let's say $ 1000. You are counting cards and at the certain point of the game your advantage is 1.5 percent, that means that you should wager 1.5 percent of your bankroll. That is theory. I personally would not bet more than 1 % of my bankroll even if advantage for me is 5% (which happens very rarely). Money management and optimal betting is as important as card counting, and many players who count cards lose their money simply because they overbet their bankroll. it is not enough just to count cards to win. You have to apply proportional optimal betting in your play. This is very broad subject, but there is a great web site (Archive copy) that will help you a lot! And there is camouflage