Is it OK to ask a PC if a particular dealer is working?


Well-Known Member
Suppose I make the rounds of the casino looking for a dealer I know places the cut card very deep, but I don't see her. Would it be suspicious for me to ask if she's working?


Well-Known Member
You're better off asking one of the dealers. Although you can usually get away with asking the PB, it is usually safer to ask a dealer.



Well-Known Member
21forme said:
Suppose I make the rounds of the casino looking for a dealer I know places the cut card very deep, but I don't see her. Would it be suspicious for me to ask if she's working?
why don't you just ask the dealer the next time you see her in person?
that is a common thing i talk to dealers about, to find out their hours, days of week, just chit-chat....

i don't know if it would be suspicious or not, i wouldn't do it though...


Well-Known Member
If you are woried about drawing heat, ask about a couple other dealers first. Dealers who you know aren't there, and aren't too concerned about. Especially if they are the "hot" (looking) dealers. Then it looks like you're boob-trolling, rather than cut-card hunting, by the time you ask about the one dealer.

Of course, if that dealer is male, that changes things up (though, truly, it might not, depending on a) how you swing b) how your cover character swings ;) )


Well-Known Member
How people think about dealers.

In casinos the dealers get breaks so often and are switched out so much most people think that certain dealers are luckier than others. If the players are doing well when one person is dealing they will often moan and groan when that dealer goes on a break. If that dealer is killing them they will often be relived when it is break time for that dealer. When I'm winning as the dealer the customers will often ask me is it time for your break yet?
If I where you I would say something like where is Jill or where is Joe he or she is my "lucky" dealer. You could say I thought that Jill was a really pleasant dealer and I was just wondering if she was working today. Some dealers are more pleasant than others.