Is it smart to talk to the pit after you just lost big?


Well-Known Member
I was playing blackjack at my local club and I had just lost $400 in one hour's time betting $25 a hand so I went up to the pit boss to tell him how much money I lost. The reason why I did this is so I could offset a couple of my recent wins that I had there and become an established loser and so I could hopefully get more comps from the casino. In the session when I lost $400 I only got a couple of dollars worth of comps but I also have gotten comps when winning as well so it works out.


Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
I was playing blackjack at my local club and I had just lost $400 in one hour's time betting $25 a hand so I went up to the pit boss to tell him how much money I lost. The reason why I did this is so I could offset a couple of my recent wins that I had there and become an established loser and so I could hopefully get more comps from the casino. In the session when I lost $400 I only got a couple of dollars worth of comps but I also have gotten comps when winning as well so it works out.
I thought u worked for a casino so u would know lol!

I don't know - I doubt if it makes much difference especially for losing 16 units in an hour. Nothing real unusual about that.

They figure an average bet, multiply a little, wave their hands over the result and Presto you get free toast with ur breakfast :)

But I wouldn't underestimate the benefits of cultivating a relationship with a PB under any circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Well I think the first thing you have to remember is that you are cultivating a relationship with a PB, not just cultivating a relationship with a PB so he knows you after losing sessions.

Once you let yourself be known to a PB there is no way you can take it back. You can't just let yourself be known after losing sessions, once he knows you he knows you at all times including winning sessions.

This means he will also know you when you win big and that can't be a good thing.

I would just let it go.


Well-Known Member
I think it was a smart move!

The casino that I talked to after I losed big to sent me a $100 in match play coupons 4 $25 ones over a period of time. They also sent me coupons for meal discounts and other specials. Plus I was comped more money than usual for the hour session where I lost more than $400. I would say that a $100 in match play coupons is worth about $50 in cash because you lose the coupons win or lose and only keep them on a push. I think the total value of the coupons was around $70 because they had a spa coupons and some food coupons as well. The coupons recovered 17% of my loses on the bad session. The comps covered another 3%, I'm up to 20% of my loses covered just by the house and I didn't have to win it all back. The next time I came their I won $125 covering 31% of my loses from the previous session. I just had one of the worst sessions of my life and I have already recovered more than 50% of my loses. I believe that 20% of my recovery was from coupons that the pit sent me because they wanted to get me back to their casino to gamble.


New Member
i think there is no harm in talking to the PB, talk politely u can even get some buck back for a ride home, try getting on his good side and it can be helpful.