is my CBJN out of date for vegas?


Well-Known Member
I have the June 2007

i'll be low rollin' in downtown, boulder highway, and a few places on the outskirts. maybe a few places just E or W of the strip. Is it time for me to get a new CBJN? or forget it?

thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
It is an invaluable resource, I would not go to Vegas without having a current copy in hand.


Well-Known Member
It's moderately out of date.

Nevada Palace closed.

All of the MGM properties went to blackjack pays 6:5.

All of the HET properties went to blackjack paying a kick in the nuts and taking your money.


Well-Known Member
I am talking penetration mainly as being out of date and the most critical variable. Table rules are more static.


Well-Known Member
CBJN's penetrations are the figures that I take with the biggest grain of salt. Nothing really beats seeing the dealers in person.


Well-Known Member
ZG and I have talked about CBJN pen issues before.

from his experience and my limited experience often times it *feels* like the pen numbers are not accurate because the people collecting them are using the information for themselves.....

maybe this should be in the zen zone....

rules will get me to show up at a place, pen can't overcome really bad rules/limits, pen is always the deciding factor once i've shown up, whether i'll play.

thanks for all your thoughts. yeah, kinda bummed Nevada Palace closed. I took my first Vegas ass whipping across the street. then went to NPalace to lick my wounds and win a $10 match play and another promo.... Nice $1 game i would stick my friends at so that i could go do my thing elsewhere too.


Mimosine said:
ZG and I have talked about CBJN pen issues before.

from his experience and my limited experience often times it *feels* like the pen numbers are not accurate because the people collecting them are using the information for themselves.....
This is true, and then Trackjack uses those.

But if I was a CBJN or TJ reporter and I found a great game I would immediately tell the whole godd*mn f**king universe. (I'm that honest)

Some of the CBJN reporters have, at times, been surveilance workers who count. And they certainly aren't anxious to expose their little watering holes.

What next, a monthly $200 publication that indexes the flashing dealers?

CBJN or TJ is a source to be used but not relied on. zg