Is the Green Chip forum on BJ21.COM worth the money?

Is the green chip forum at worth it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 64.3%
  • No

    Votes: 10 35.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
POLL (added): Is the Green Chip forum on BJ21.COM worth the money?

the title says it all...

Per zg's request, a poll is now created.
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I also vote no. There's this one guy over at BJ21 calls himself "Adhoc" thinks he's Gods gift to humanity-what a drag!
Hint: Shakespeare said - "First, kill all the lawyers!"

bj bob

Well-Known Member

zengrifter said:
We should take a poll, I vote NO. zg
Zg, be careful. You know what happens to poll starters these days. Haven't heard from Super or Scott since they were abducted by Ken's interplanetary cyber forces. I just would hate to see you go out like that.


Well-Known Member
Um, kind of? I had a 3 month subscription.

The forum software is atrocious.

There's a very different group of personalities on it, some noobs, some duffers, and some grizzled vets (well, they're grizzled, anyway). They also have a few smart guys who argue about numbers a lot.

It's definitely not a waste of time, but it also didn't improve my life substantively.


Well-Known Member
The forum is really set up weird, and is a pain in the ass to read.

I had a 3 month sub and won't be back. Not that I hate the place; I just don't think it's worth paying for.


Well-Known Member
That depends on what outcome you desire.

Is GC worth paying for? No, not if you are a ploppy gambler who cannot exert discipline. No, not if you are looking for an accepting non-judgmental virtual community. No, if you are not going to ignore the archives and past posts to learn from other’s mistakes. No, not if you are lazy or you currently ignore your continued education and hope something will change.

Advantage players use bj21, the advantages of a greenchip membership are beyond the micro-charge of $12.

I have never posted on any BJ board before. I felt as if this was big enough subject for me to chime in. I found an off-shore proxy service that keeps my privacy quite nicely. I started playing four years ago and moved to Las Vegas two years ago. I have made well into the lower six figures area. I’m talking earned, not won. EV, in the bank earned…not this jump in variance BS that rookies get excited about. I put in more time reading and simming than I play and I play a lot.

To be successful enough to play at my current level, I could not have made it without three things. First and foremost BOOKS! Second,’s GC pages. The archives are worth more than any three books, including Beyond Counting. Third, The Bishop’s library at

I feel comfortable enough with my security to publicly say that my max bet is $1,500. I prefer to play shoe games and play hands with only a positive expectation. (Which may be in very negative counts). I started with zero bankroll. I had the money invested elsewhere, but did not use any of my own funds to start. I know I would not have accomplished this without reading a lot, including BJ21’s GC pages. I play an optimal game.

If you are serious about winning at blackjack by taking ADVANTAGE of every opportunity that offers itself, you need it ALL. I’ve read 40 or so BJ books, every article in The Bishop’s library, and every Bj21 Post of the Month and ALL of the GC archives. Access to the archives is worth the pittance that is required to access the info.

I do find some great information, which is not presented anywhere else, in the GC boards, particularly in the archives.

If an AP cannot make at least 10x their membership fee they are not making the best of their time and the information available. Even a player with a max bet of $25 can pay for the membership.

Even when my bankroll was something like $1,500, I paid for my membership forever by using information that I got off of the GC boards. With a $1,500BR, I found something that I had only read about on BJ21. My partner and I made over $12K, increasing my bankroll by 800%. That is just one example.

I, now, have to smile at the fact that my max bet is what my bankroll once was. :grin:

As I just read what I’ve written, I realize that it sounds like I’m selling BJ21's GC membership pretty hard. I’m not trying to do that as much as I’m selling education and information hard.

I’d also like to show fledgling APs that sweating the small price of an education is silly. The AP move is to read everything at blackjackforumonline, and in the archives at BJ21. Of coarse read at least five or six books. I’ve made 100x to 1000x the price of each book and membership. But then again, I eat this stuff up. I don’t want to miss an opportunity by either not recognizing it or not knowing what to do in an obviously good situation. If you look closely you will find more profit in BJ than strait counting. I’m not talking about hole carding, either. Just read all the sources of info. Your EV is huge on education. If you do not have access to the information to educate yourself then you will be ignorant of some available advantages.

One can be very successful without BJ21 or any online site. Just the last printing of Beat the Dealer will do it. But if you want as much as you can get from them legally, then get ALL of the information crammed in your head that you can.

Actually, not much that is both new and useful gets posted at any site anywhere. It has all been said, for the most part. At least the big stuff is covered pretty well.

Please forgive me for my verbose post. I guess I’m a bit passionate about continued learning. Counting may be half dead, but a lot of money is still waiting out there for someone who sees advantages where others (ploppies and strait counters) don’t ever see in front of them.

My assumption is that everyone who is serious only plays to win…and win the very most they can. An investment of a few bucks and a couple dozen hours will pay off in real money EV.

Don’t be a pseudo half-assed AP-ploppy, leave your personal feelings at the door, read it ALL and win it ALL! Don’t participate in the forums if it pisses you off, but do yourself a favor, never stop learning. Read everything out there, including BJ21's GC

Good Luck to all and cheers,



Paradox said:
Is GC worth paying for? No, not if you are a ploppy gambler who cannot exert discipline. No, not if you are looking for an accepting non-judgmental virtual community. No, if you are not going to ignore the archives and past posts to learn from other’s mistakes. No, not if you are lazy or you currently ignore your continued education and hope something will change.

Advantage players use bj21, the advantages of a greenchip membership are beyond the micro-charge of $12.

I have never posted on any BJ board before. I felt as if this was big enough subject for me to chime in. I found an off-shore proxy service that keeps my privacy quite nicely. I started playing four years ago and moved to Las Vegas two years ago. I have made well into the lower six figures area. I’m talking earned, not won. EV, in the bank earned…not this jump in variance BS that rookies get excited about. I put in more time reading and simming than I play and I play a lot.

To be successful enough to play at my current level, I could not have made it without three things. First and foremost BOOKS! Second,’s GC pages. The archives are worth more than any three books, including Beyond Counting. Third, The Bishop’s library at

I feel comfortable enough with my security to publicly say that my max bet is $1,500. I prefer to play shoe games and play hands with only a positive expectation. (Which may be in very negative counts). I started with zero bankroll. I had the money invested elsewhere, but did not use any of my own funds to start. I know I would not have accomplished this without reading a lot, including BJ21’s GC pages. I play an optimal game.

If you are serious about winning at blackjack by taking ADVANTAGE of every opportunity that offers itself, you need it ALL. I’ve read 40 or so BJ books, every article in The Bishop’s library, and every Bj21 Post of the Month and ALL of the GC archives. Access to the archives is worth the pittance that is required to access the info.

I do find some great information, which is not presented anywhere else, in the GC boards, particularly in the archives.

If an AP cannot make at least 10x their membership fee they are not making the best of their time and the information available. Even a player with a max bet of $25 can pay for the membership.

Even when my bankroll was something like $1,500, I paid for my membership forever by using information that I got off of the GC boards. With a $1,500BR, I found something that I had only read about on BJ21. My partner and I made over $12K, increasing my bankroll by 800%. That is just one example.

I, now, have to smile at the fact that my max bet is what my bankroll once was. :grin:

As I just read what I’ve written, I realize that it sounds like I’m selling BJ21's GC membership pretty hard. I’m not trying to do that as much as I’m selling education and information hard.

I’d also like to show fledgling APs that sweating the small price of an education is silly. The AP move is to read everything at blackjackforumonline, and in the archives at BJ21. Of coarse read at least five or six books. I’ve made 100x to 1000x the price of each book and membership. But then again, I eat this stuff up. I don’t want to miss an opportunity by either not recognizing it or not knowing what to do in an obviously good situation. If you look closely you will find more profit in BJ than strait counting. I’m not talking about hole carding, either. Just read all the sources of info. Your EV is huge on education. If you do not have access to the information to educate yourself then you will be ignorant of some available advantages.

One can be very successful without BJ21 or any online site. Just the last printing of Beat the Dealer will do it. But if you want as much as you can get from them legally, then get ALL of the information crammed in your head that you can.

Actually, not much that is both new and useful gets posted at any site anywhere. It has all been said, for the most part. At least the big stuff is covered pretty well.

Please forgive me for my verbose post. I guess I’m a bit passionate about continued learning. Counting may be half dead, but a lot of money is still waiting out there for someone who sees advantages where others (ploppies and strait counters) don’t ever see in front of them.

My assumption is that everyone who is serious only plays to win…and win the very most they can. An investment of a few bucks and a couple dozen hours will pay off in real money EV.

Don’t be a pseudo half-assed AP-ploppy, leave your personal feelings at the door, read it ALL and win it ALL! Don’t participate in the forums if it pisses you off, but do yourself a favor, never stop learning. Read everything out there, including BJ21's GC

Good Luck to all and cheers.
Is that you, Stanford? zg


Well-Known Member

Thank you. That is one of the best “left-handed” complements I’ve had. :)

Just as I hit “post”, a though popped into my mind. I’ll bet someone, Zengrifter, will make a smart assed comment about this being Stanford or Al. :)

If you saw the two of us, you’d never make that mistake. :)

I'm falling asleep, now. I played a bunch today. G'Night ZG



Well-Known Member
It all depends

Firstly, it is sooo cheap that my immediate response is of course it is WORTH it.

Secondly, if you are a relative newbie, counting cards in casinos for just a year or two, it is invaluable - nearly priceless.

Thirdly, if you enjoy chatting on real time with other Advantage Players once a week, that alone is a sound reason for paying the low fee for Green Chip membership.

Finally, you can make lasting friendships, partnerships, etc. via Greenchip.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
Finally, you can make lasting friendships, partnerships, etc. via Greenchip.
How does that differ from any free forum?

Do you think there's a lower paranoia level at Green Chip just because you have to pay a small fee to join? Do you think the casinos wouldn't infiltrate the forum because it costs a few bucks to join?


Well-Known Member
I am a long time Green Chip member, but not a card counter. I am not sure whether it is worth it, I'd lean towards no. First of all, yes, the forum setup is very weird. The forums are not very active, either (moreso than any other board, but it's not like there are 100 messages a day or anything -- maybe 10-15 on all boards). Nobody gives any good information -- and when they do everyone screams to immediately "bust" the post, so it only helps you if you check the forum every 30 minutes.

There are some benefits. First, you can post about obscure cities or games and generally get a response. And if you have a complicated math or theory question, you can get a reliable answer. And there's generally good comraderie. And it's not that expensive.

But there is still a strong unwillingness to share real information. And for good reason, a modest fee will not keep casinos away, I don't think. They need a better verification system. I think if you started a board where you only had ex-Green Chip members, verified as members for at least one year and verified as not casino types (or working for casino types), you could have a better board, even if it was free.

There are some really helpful posters and you can get some good math analysis. But don't expect to learn about a dealer at X casino that shows her hole card on the 4 AM shift, or anything really valuable like that.
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Well-Known Member
Paradox said:
I’m talking earned, not won. EV, in the bank earned…not this jump in variance BS that rookies get excited about.
That's all that some of us losers have to look forward to. Don't take that away from us!



Well-Known Member
Paradox said:
Access to the archives is worth the pittance that is required to access the info.
I agree completely. Also, as you mentioned, if you have a serious question you will get a serious answer very quickly from some very reliable sources. Although I did not renew my subscription, I still acknowledge that it is a great source for info and answers. I vote yes.
