RJT said:
From what i remember that article was discussing not shuffling at the end of playing a shoe - not new decks. If i recall this correctly he was looking at the fact that playing blackjack actually put the cards in a favorable order for the player and showed that even the most basic and clumsy shuffle destroyed any potential gain that first base could have.
As to Harrah's, the riffles - again from what i remember - would have to be absolutely perfect for the player to gain that sort of advantage, but this one i'm less sure of.
If you're reading a book on the non-randomness of shuffles and proximity of 10's and A's and it's trying to tell you that there is some way to take advantage of this, chances are its full of crap. With a really accurate dealers, and a really poor shuffle you might be able to predict the next/hole cards with fair accuracy, but the chances of you ever finding this game are very slim. These books that discuss non-random shuffles - barring the ones discussing shuffle tracking - all fall under the heading of voodoo.
Thanks for clearing that up RJT.
Its been awhile since Ive actually read the article myself,
I guess I should of re-read it, before I made
such a post. I actually tried to just put in the link, but was unsuccesful. Also, I recall another article, almost the same in nature. I think it was "Non-Random Shuffles" I believe. Nevertheless, I found the article to be somewhat Interesting.
Angels love bad men-The Highway men: Johnny Cash,Kris Kristopherson,Waylon Jennings,&Willie Nelson