Is this just asking for trouble ;)


Well-Known Member
I had a situation where the dealer accidentally revealed his card (an ace) thinking a player wanted to hit when he actually wanted to stand. The dealer had a 6 showing and after some initial hesitation, I convinced everyone with subtle or maybe not so subtle hints not to take a hit because it wasn't going to improve their hand since all of them had stiff hands. I knew that I had just been given a GOLDEN opportunity. I had a made hand that could be improved with an ace :) At the same time I was getting a lot of heat as there was one pit critter standing outside the pit where people usually walk through, standing there, inspecting my play. I was debating whether to double down there where I would have a huge advantage or just stand pat to avoid getting even further increased attention. Since the count was semi good and I had raised my bet, I guess the greed took over and I doubled! I was afraid the dealer was going to yell out doubling hard 18 but thankfully he didn't. Needless to say I won a nice unexpected chunk of money on that hand but I figured I had better cool it so I left the table as soona s the count went back down. Do you think I did the right thing or should I have not of even of doubled?


Active Member
I think you did the right thing. If they know the ace was exposed and they know you that, then they will just think you are taking advantage like any semi-reasonable player would. If they don't know that you are aware of the ace, then they think youre just some idiot doubling on 18, which is probably even better for you.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that doubling the hard 18 will bring any additional heat to you. Anyone examining your play, whether from upstairs or the floor will probably figure out that you saw the next card. Someone who was not counting, but had seen the next card would probably do likewise, so that move in itself won't bring extra heat. If I were you, my bigger concern would be why was the floor guy examining my play to begin with?