It's over.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry guys. I can't play blackjack anymore. It's been fun. I made lots of money (well not enough). It's not about bankroll. I can't take the swings of the finances and emotional. I had a really bad day today. It wasn't on the blackjack table and had nothing to do with a casino. I've loved listening to your stories. Things are just different now. I feel like I've lost myself today. Feel free to delete this if you wish.
Sorry buddy

I felt that way last night too. I felt it at the beginning of a shoe. But by the end of that shoe, I felt like the luckiest man in the world for being able to count cards because I had just pocketed 2 weeks pay in black and was headed for the door. Sorry that you ended up on the wrong side of the bell curve where blackjack is concerned, may you have a long and happy life to make up for it.

Stealth Bomber

Well-Known Member
It aint over 'til it's over

You probably just need a long break. Maybe just some time to clear your mind, get some other things in order and come back later with your game sharpened.
The game will most likely be there when you're ready.


New Member
It's over

Six months ago I told myself I would never play again. I destroyed all my records, cut up all the comp cards, took up golf again with a close friend. Now I'm playing a round of golf every time I go to the casino! Back in the saddle...
You need to...

1. Take a break.
2. Change your routine.
3. Consider ending your gambling career.
4. Concentrate on responsible endeavors.
5. Admit that your a degenerate gambler with only a 1% edge over the casino.
6. Then when you get over all this shite get the ole bankroll back and hammer those tables!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Take a Break


Yes BJ can be and is an emotional rollercoaster, as is life in general.

Take some time away from the game to get your other "things" in order. The game will still be here when you get back.

Good Luck,


Well-Known Member
Best Wishes John!

I think we've all been where you are, I know I have more than once. I even gave away all my gambling books at one point.


Well-Known Member
My Experience

I also cut up all of my comp cards and then got charged $10 for parking instead of the $4 that card holders were charged (in AC). I vowed never to play again after two big losses (I realize others have had longer and bigger losing streaks) but someone it's hard to get out of your system.

learning to count

Well-Known Member
Because he said

I'm sorry guys. ""I can't play blackjack anymore."" ... ""I can't take the swings of the finances and emotional.""....I had a really bad day today. It wasn't on the blackjack table and had nothing to do with a casino. I've loved listening to your stories. Things are just different now. I feel like I've lost myself today. Feel free to delete this if you wish.

So what was it BJ or personal tragedy??? I hope he is okay anyway. It probably was another GAME????????


Active Member
Consider it every day...

>> 3. Consider ending your gambling career.

We need to consider this every single day. Because if you can't choose to stop, you aren't choosing to play. I too am taking a break after a pretty bad streak. I am questioning myself (where the hell DID all those 6s come from?, really, WHERE?). And most importantly for my stage, I'm not having fun. I'm doing this to have fun! It'll be fun again in a couple / three months. Then...

...I'll be back.



Active Member
I am sorry

for your pain, whatever its cause.

Find someone to talk to about whatever it was.

We are a community and we do care about you. Please be well.

wong out

Well-Known Member
John - sorry to hear


BJ is a very tough grind and not for most. I think that there are many more interesting and enjoyable ways to spend some time than at the 21 tables. Personally, playing BJ is a chore and a grind but it has been a nice second source of income so I keep grinding away - swings and all but it is not easy.

Good luck on your future activties!

wong out

stainless steel rat

Well-Known Member
lots of answers

Depends on the game, the rules, the penetration, your skill and then lady luck.

I'm in the middle of a recently-started experiment. Since sims only go so far in telling you what to expect, since sims expect perfect play and betting and counting, which is unlikely over the long-haul for a human to do, I have done this test twice so far, and am keeping records as I repeat it several times over the coming year I hope.

I started with a bankroll of exactly $1000, after a discussion with my son. I decided to play DD only, spreading $5-$40, heads up, or $5 to 2 x $25 if there was another player at the table.

First experiment was a little skewed because I wanted to answer the question "can you double your bankroll playing as above?"

I started at $1000, reached a peak of $2265, but played another two sessions after that and ended up with some wild variance, dropping all the way back to just under $1000 before ending up at 1650 or so after about 1400-1500 hands played.

I again started at $1000, and hit $2200 (where I stopped) after about 500-600 hands.

So two passes so far. I am probably going to toss the first experiment since I should have stopped when I doubled, and started over. Had I done so, I might well have gone bankrupt on my second session since that tail-end variance on the first test was larger than my $1000 trip bankroll for the experiment.

What does this mean? That there are fluctuations. In this second trial, the variance was pretty smooth. Never lost more than $200 before climbing back and going higher...

I'm going to repeat this a few times as I'm now really interested in what _I_ can do as opposed to what a sim does. I can play BS perfectly. I can count using the CV blackjack drills with almost perfect accuracy, and over 2 deck drills I almost never make a counting error. But I do on occasion mis-calculate the true count by missing the remaining deck estimate, which can lead to a betting error or a BS departure index error. I don't make many of these, and have played hour+ sessions on CV BJ with no betting or playing errors, but I also play the same sessions and make an occasional error here and there. I don't have the option of introducing errors (that I can find) in CVCX running sims, so I'm running a "real sim" by doing it myself. :)

I could do this by just playing a 1-hour session on CVBJ every night, but even though the BJ program is _very_ good, it is not a casino, those are not real dollars, etc...

The moral of this is that you can win, but there are definitely losing stretches thrown in. If they come after a winning session, they are not as painful as when they occur at the start and drain your BR to zero if it isn't big enough. No, I don't normally gamble spreading $5-40, with a BR of $1000, the ROR is too high. But I have seen several talk about playing like this so it seemed like something interesting to try and appealed to the "scientist" in me.

More on this as the experiment progresses. If I had run the first test correctly, laying all the rounds played so far end-to-end would suggest that by starting at $1000, three times I have doubled the BR, once I went bust. My real BR has grown by over $2000 so far, and I am fixing to start the next round by dropping back to $1000 and starting again...


Well-Known Member
losing streaks

> Whats the worst losing streak in Units you've ever taken.

I lost 200 units in my first year of counting. It was devastating, but it showed me how difficult this can be. I'm glad I learned it early because it really pushed me to become a better player and showed me the grim reality of variance. The next time I hit a streak like that my bankroll will be prepared.


gorilla player

Well-Known Member
not absolutely sure

about a month ago, I started with $1000, played $5-$40 at DD games, went from $1000 to $2265 over maybe 6-8 hours of playing. Went back one last time as we were leaving for home, went from $2265 to $900, which is $1365 or 273 units. Eventually ended up at +1650 or so before leaving.

Sometimes you hit those where at high counts, the dealer makes hand after hand, or gets natural after natural while you get nothing but stiffs and stand and lose or hit and bust...

Fortunately there are the streaks in the other direction as well.