
So I have been trying to utilize the hi-lo method for counting for the last month or so. Putting in a decent amounbt of time. Still having difficulty maintaining accurate count with two decks at a fairly good pace. Sacrificing accuracy for time does not seem good, but I need to be able to count fast at the tables right???

Anyways, i came across this book by john patrick (advanced BJ) where he lays out a method of all cards are worh a count of 1 and all 10's are worth -2 points. I am sure there are folks that know what I am talking about.
Is this method any good? I would like to improve my game some, but everything I read says that "standard" hi-lo counting requires so much time, that the average player (casino runs 2-3/month at best) cannot maintain their hined skills once learned due to the time required.

Any thoughts on john patricks method or anything else above???

I am going to the tables this weekend and may try to implement either/or to help my odds.......
but confused on what methiod tio concentrate on.....again 2-3 casino trips max a month is all i do...



Well-Known Member
I’m not familiar with that system. What about the aces? Are they counted as +1 or –2? They are the most important card after all.

Overall that system sounds considerably weaker than HiLo, and also more difficult because you are counting every card. John Patrick is not known for giving good advice, and certainly not for knowing much about card counting. His systems are designed for gamblers - pople who just want to have fun and don’t want to get an advantage. They are still losing systems, and his “modified” basic strategy and progression betting system only makes them lose more money in the long run.

It sounds like the insurance count to me. Neutralize the ace and it's a balanced count, count the ace and it's unbalanced. The balanced form is actually not a bad count to use for overall play.


Well-Known Member
unbalanced counts

Why not try KO, KISS or Red 7 ? Books on each are excellent, with lots of talk on htis site about each.


Well-Known Member
John Patrick is a fraud. A flimflam man,a huckster.Google him and throw in the word fraud.His Secrets of Hitting Lotto is better researched than his BJ books.
If you want a simple expandable counting system,buy Blackjack Bluebook 2,by Fred Renzey.


Well-Known Member
I would also vouch for one of the reputable "simple" unbalanced counts (Red 7, KO, KISS) if hi-lo is tough... there's no true count conversion to distract you.


Well-Known Member
Its kinda a complex system, but even when used correctly its still weak. The way I used to play it, was to count how MANY cards have been dealt and THEN keep a seperate count of face-cards(-1). For example, if the first 13 cards were all non face-cards you would be @+4(4:13) then start 13 back @ 0

Codes could also be used for the # of players at the table, so the hit cards could be counted seperately, with more ease. For example, 6 players =13 and the dealers hole-card would be counted as a hit card.
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Well-Known Member
John Patrick is an arrogant prick who shouldn't be writing books. He offers no math behind his "methods" and he says stupid stuff like not to double down on 11.

I read his book after reading Fred Renzey's book and they are night and day. Renzey's was an easy enjoyable and INFORMATIVE read. John Patrick's was just superstition and ego.. with nothing to back it up.

split 5's?

I don't think so.


Sonny said:
I’m not familiar with that system. What about the aces? Are they counted as +1 or –2? They are the most important card after all.
Its actually one of the oldest - an unbalanced RC 10-count. INFERIOR to KO, though it does make perfect insurance bets.
First popularized in the late 60s by Reppert, Archer, Sludikoff, and Jacques Noir's Casino Holiday. zg
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Well-Known Member
SystemsTrader said:
Only if it is a European no hole card game. Unless you meant 11 v A?
ENHC-Correct. I have the wonderful misfortune of frequenting such a game.
Only dd 11v10 during hi counts.

Geoff Hall

Well-Known Member
John Patrick

Steer clear of any Blackjack book by John Patrick.

Even when presented with mathematical evidence of why you should split Aces he totally disregards it without presenting any worthwhile counter-arguement.

He works on trends - not a good sign for anybody taking the game seriously.


Well-Known Member
So You Wanna Be A Ploppy?

The title of John Patrick’s books tell the whole story: “So You Wanna Be A Gambler?” His books will have you following the same ignorant and superstitious advice that typical gamblers follow. Things like “Don’t split eights because you’ll often lose both hands” or “Leave the table if you lose 3 hands in a row because you’ll just keep losing.” Gamblers are always trying to find excuses for their losses. They’ll complain that “the idiot at third base screwed up the table” or “it was a dealer-biased shoe” or “the dealer was upset.” They’ll tell you never to hit a 12 vs. 2 or 3, and never double on a 9. John’s books turn normal, rational people into superstitious gamblers and turn gamblers into arrogant, loud-mouthed gamblers who think they’re always right.

So, who wants to be a gambler?
