Journal units


Well-Known Member
When entering wins and loses in a journal should this be done in units of bet or dollar amounts ?

I seem to remember reading that units was the prefered way but, if so then how do you deal with changing units. i.e. you sometimes bet $5, $10, $15, $25, and even canadian dollars.

On a spreadsheet would you have separate columns for units and separate column for cumulative dollar totals ?



The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Personal decision

All my amounts in my journal are in terms of $$$. Units is artificial, a way of not telling the rest of the world what is really going on ... if I wong, my unit is $25, if I play all, my unit is $10 mostly, but sometimes $5 (if I can spread 30-1 without wonging). Max bet is the more appropriate measure. E.g., my max bet is $150.


Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: Why Not Track Both?

In time you will be so far ahead of the game you may not want to track anything. It's great to see your moves in a journal, but it can also be a pain to keep track of. I have so many books and reports hanging around now. I need a bigger office!