"I wanted to let you know about the money," Gold reportedly said in the message. "I promise you, you can keep this recording on my word, there's no possible way you're not going to get your half ... after taxes."
Dec. 22, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal
Judge rejects champ's request for winnings
Half of poker pot to be held for trial
World Series of Poker champ Jamie Gold, who made a disputed promise to share his $12 million pot, lost his bid Thursday to secure all of his winnings until the case goes to trial.
Gold collected $6 million in August, but U.S. District Judge Roger Hunt must determine whether prior to the championship round he promised movie producer Crispin Leyser half of the pot.
...more - http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/Dec-22-Fri-2006/news/11579059.html (Archive copy)
Dec. 22, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal
Judge rejects champ's request for winnings
Half of poker pot to be held for trial
World Series of Poker champ Jamie Gold, who made a disputed promise to share his $12 million pot, lost his bid Thursday to secure all of his winnings until the case goes to trial.
Gold collected $6 million in August, but U.S. District Judge Roger Hunt must determine whether prior to the championship round he promised movie producer Crispin Leyser half of the pot.
...more - http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/2006/Dec-22-Fri-2006/news/11579059.html (Archive copy)