Just Read: Bringing Down The House.....


New Member
I just finished reading the book, "Bringing Down The House". I must say it was a real page turner, and I found it extremely entertaining. After doing alot of research and reading other BJ books I have discovered that these MIT brainiacs were amazingly successful using a very basic hi-lo system with team play. Am I missing something??? Is this book really true??? Is team play really viable??? Could this be more fiction than fact????

Any and all thoughts would be great,



Active Member
I enjoyed this book as well, though I couldnt help think how much was embellished to make a good story sound great. Still, I read it in two sittings, I could barely put it down. Regardless of what was true or not true, it was very entertaining to read.


Well-Known Member
: Bringing Down The House.....

true,GOES TO SHOW all the funky systems of ao11,halves,etc,maybe not
worth the trouble. And they play 6deck. But the real
point is large bankroll-over a million to start-

Do you have that??


Active Member
Re: : Bringing Down The House.....

Could be that they are just saying that they used hi-lo because if you got a great system they aren't going to give out their secret. If you have a team of 10 or so students from one of the most highly selective schools in the country, just think what those guys are capable of. They were raised with computers and are very gifted mathematically. I'm thinking that they made up their own system or something.

learning to count

Well-Known Member
I just checked out advantage player.com site. Mr. schlesinger says that the MIT team was very successful and that the book is very close to the truth. Interesting thread there.