Just started playing BJ and was curious about leveled counting strategies.


New Member
I just got into playing BJ and am not going to visit a casino for about a month. I am not interested in getting prepared for my visit as it is too soon to apply anything. The question is, since I have not learned any system right now, and I have all the time in the world to study and practice (months years, who knows), I needed to know which "systems"... plural! I might look into. I am going to play mostly shoe games but want to jump into 2-deck once in a blue moon. I am focusing on BC alot obviously but am interested in keeping the IC pretty high as well because I have been reading that those few insurance bets are well worth their weight in increasing the advantage. I really don't mind the complexity of the system being that over time I will become skilled enough to flawlessly play, but I don't want to make it so difficult as to stutter while playing and talking to a pit boss. Thanks in advance, this is the best place I have found for information. Keep it up!



Well-Known Member

First out, you have month. two words... basic strategy.

BS will be your foundation. this site has all the charts you need for the game you want to play.

Call the places that you will be going, talk to the pit, find out what their rules are, then practice.

buy your books and software here, at one convenient one-stop-shop http://www.blackjackinfo.com/store/
this place has the best customer service.

you are welcome to post your questions (you will have a bunch of em)
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counting strategy

Definitely get that basic strategy down pat before venturing into counting. But once you've got it nailed then a good strategy that I use is KO (Knock Out) Blackjack. You can check out their web page or get the book. I recommend the book. The count is both easy to learn and strong. Since it is unbalanced you don't have to do deck estimations. No matter which strategy you use. practice does not make perfect; Perfect Practice makes perfect.