Just Started To Count


New Member
I've just started to learn how to count but I don't have time before my next Vegas trip to really put it to use. I want to master it...I feel I will just get myself in trouble if I don't take the time before trying to use it. Anyway....I've been reading allot of books...but any advice on for a non-counter? I know basic strategy and have been playing now for 5 years...but just really have gotten into more of the science/counting etc....... Any advice on where to play, latest conditions etc.......I will pick up the counting when I get back and use it on my next trip. Thanks!

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
If you're not playing with a bona fide advantage, play at a full table. Make sure you get a player's card so you can get comps. Bet big when the pit boss is watching, you'll get better comps.

If you see a lot of aces and faces come out early, find a new table if possible, or go to the shitter.


Well-Known Member
blackjacknut said:
...I've been reading allot of books...but any advice on for a non-counter? I know basic strategy and have been playing now for 5 years...but just really have gotten into more of the science/counting etc....... .!
there is an advantage play counters do that you can do in a hit or miss sort of way, with out counting.
it's called wonging out. counters will often wong out (just means sit out, or temporarily or totally leave a shoe or table when a shoe has become disadvantageous due to the counts prospects for being negative or zero and not likely to become positive. well it's a statistical fact that circa 70% of the time (speaking in terms of the long run) that a blackjack player using basic strategy would be better off not playing at all.
additionally it's possible that you can determine various levels of standard deviation for a flat betting basic strategy player for a given game that you might be playing.
so the idea would be, if perchance by luck while playing a shoe you win as much money or close as say one standard deviation it might be a good idea for you to wong out of that shoe knowing that in doing so your likely removing your self from a disadvantageous situation a high percentage of the time, just the thing would be your doing so with money in you pocket.
then you could decide do you want to sit and play again in the hopes of getting lucky again, ect., ect.
you might be missing out on some advantage situations wonging out blindly like that but you'll also be walking away from a lot of disadvantageous situations.