Just this once, non-blackjack

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
Congratulations to all New England!

It took an act of God, or at least, a conspiracy of numbers. Consider this:

The number 86 means to kill or exise (or tresspass).

The BoSox had their biggest humilation in 1986.

It has been 86 years since their last World Series win.

The RedSox won exactly 86 regular season games the last year they won the World Series, in 1918.

And if that isn't enough....

From the CNN web site, regarding the eclipse...

>Once in total shadow at 10:23 p.m. ET (7:23 p.m. PT), the moon might turn a shade of *deep red that frightened the ancients*

-- an eclipse that was ending just as the final out was made.

And in case you aren't scared yet....

The player who made the final out was made by Renteria, wearing jersey number #3. That was the same as Babe Ruth's number.

And then there is the classic photo of Schlinning's bloody sock, his "Red Sock."

It takes a bit more than magic to dispel a curse. It takes an act of God.

With affection to all New England.



Well-Known Member
Response from Mis-sour-i (pronounced "Misery")....

F#ck! Sh#t! Etc#.!

Obviously, Mayor, you bet on the 4-game RedSux Sweep-Teaser.

Feels about as good as when the N.E. Patriots beat the Rams in the Superbowl several years ago...an obviously Superior team beat by an obviously Inferior one.

Could be worse....I started out watching the 4th game of the World SWEEP in (of course) a bar....the guy sitting next to me was bragging about having tickets for Game #5....by about the 5th inning when I left, he was asking others "if he would get a refund!"

Curse??? Correct me if I am wrong (and I am sure someone will), but did not a player named Babe Ruth play for the RedSux FOR ANOTHER YEAR before being traded to the SPANKIES?

Ph.7's Superbowl prediction: "Chiefs 38, Rams 37".
