K-O; Decks left, advantage %

I was curious. If the count gets high in a 6D, No Surrender, DAS when do I hold an advantage and when do I not?

Let's say the count gets high right away, say 10 over the key count early on. About one or two decks in. Do I hold an advantage here or is there too many decks left?

Same goes for the end of a shoe. If it was all high cards to begin with then towards middle and late it was all smallies to bring the count past the key count do I still hold an advantage?


Well-Known Member
Somewhere in archive-land there is a spreadsheet by Mimosine that correlates RC with TC. I tried to find it with a quick search, but couldn't.

Do a search on author Mimosine and KO. I believe the post was sometime between April and June.


Well-Known Member