Agree with HiNoon, and Suggest....
1. Try practicing while your spouse, girl/boy-friend, or in my case, "soon to be ex-spouse" rambles on and on. With practice, you will find that you can keep both accurate counts and side-counts, while all-the-while, making the person talking to you think that you are listening and responding to each and every word. Some examples, as based on my typical "system":
"YES DEAR, YOU ARE RIGHT"...spoken only when TC is +6 or higher. Guarantees a several minute sermon educating you on why SHE is right! During which time, you keep counting and shuffling.
"YES DEAR, YOU ARE PROBABLY RIGHT"...TC +3-+5. Again, several minute sermon that SHE IS RIGHT! Count, count, count, shuffle, count.
"TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS" reserved for Neutral Cts, -3 to +3, wherein you BOTH will spend most of your time.
"IF YOU THINK THAT, YOU ARE F#CK'N CRAZY"...say this automatically in neg. cts. Gets one lots of Practice Time, providing the recipient is Non-Violent.
2. PRACTICE AT WORK! +EV from the start. Co-workers will interrupt you and ask questions...answer same, JUST KEEP THE COUNT! Can even work to your advantage...recently I received a complaint about a Psychiatrist. Patient alleged that HE WENT TO SLEEP DURING HER SESSION! Just would NOT have happened if he was CC'ing! Hell, he could have told the patient that he was trying to adjust her treatment "BY THE CARDS". She would have loved it, and he could have billed her insurance for it...more +EV!
3. HOW BIG IS YOUR D.I.C.K.? "Deck Incremented Count Kronometer". Everybody brags about how LITTLE their D.I.C.K. is in BJ...."I can Count a Deck in 11 seconds" is a common post. Just NOT OPERANT in the Real World. Yes, strive to count WITHOUT INTERRUPTION in 11 or whatever seconds...even if you have a ONE-Minute D.I.C.K., you will do just fine in the real world, at least as for the game of BJ. All else being equal, I would BACK-BET a slow but accurate D.I.C.K. every time, if my other choice was a quick but SLOPPY D.I.C.K.!
4. COUNTING BY INFERENCE, as related to being Interrupted, is a skill to work on. For example, if PC starts showing you pictures of kids, grandkids, Cleveland vacation, etc., you MUST pay at least cursory attention. If a player shows a 2-up, and draws a Face, and busts, you can safely INFER that there was a 10 "down-below" even if you did not see it.
5. WHEN TOTALLY INTERRUPTED, as often happens when Waitresses' breast(s) slip up AND out of those "Tight Little Holders", just revert to B.S., and if unsure, just make the Minimum Bet, until either you have regained the Ct., the Shuffle, or when She has "RECOVERED", i.e., Stuffed Those Nice Big Breasts back into those Little Cups.
6. AND IF YOU ARE STILL DISTRACTED BY CLEAVAGE, try the Rio in LV! I have read posts to the effect that they are an EOE (Equal Opportunity Employer). One no longer has to worry about breasts as a distraction...but if you drop a "barney" on the floor......