Ken Uston


Well-Known Member
I've been reading books by Ken Uston and ran across this interesting article by A. Snyder.

(Dead link:

suicyco maniac

Well-Known Member
I read this a while back on bjfonline.....any chance you could dig up the Dog Ass Johnny article on match plays they had on that site....TOP NOTCH a must read!!!

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
In the second last BJF mag Munchkin was interviewing a gent that worked with Ken and I THINK he mentioned that he died of an OD of heroin. If you want to understand more about Ken and his personality read that article. He was a great blackjack player, but also a loud mouth self promoter that was an unhappy drug abuser. He also wrote a bunch of books about beating Packman and other Atari style games. I am reading KU on Blackjack wich is similar to the stories in M$BJ. I also have The Big Player which, once again, look like pages out of M$BJ. M$BJ has Kens blackjack knowledge in it, the others are stories that point at this knowledge. I feel that M$BJ was edited properly so that his knowledge could shine through.

I felt like I found out Santa Claus wasn't real again after reading that article. Better to know the truth IMO. I still love Ken and his book M$BJ, my first blackjack book. We can extract the knowledge and kick the rest to the curb as long as we can separate fact from fiction.


Well-Known Member
I found Ken's development of the methods of playing Pac-Man to be helpful in my lifelong quest to beat those little ghosts.

Actually it is just a cool addition to my Blackjack library. The Pac-Man book is usually available on eBay.