Kiss Count Questions


I have a couple of questions in regards to the Kiss Count, hope somone will be able to answer them.

In BJ BB II it is suggested to adjust your index numbers up and down depending on how much of the shoe has been delt. Can/should the same be done with your betting strategy?

Also, I do not see any strategy numbers for doubleing 10 v 10, it would seem approptiate at a high count ( 26+). Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
Doubling 10v10 (or 10v11) is a play that can, mathematically, make sense, at high counts, but it's not always recommended just because it introduces a lot of volatility into your bankroll, especially since you'd only be doing it when you already have a maximum bet out.


Well-Known Member
The index numbers for KISS changes are on pg. 155. (BTW you do this for 10 V. 10 at +4 above your pivot, and 10 V. A at +8 over your pivot number, both above max bet numbers).

As to the other question-check out pg. 144, the section on ideal betting, he goes into some points about 'ideal' and 'real world'. Most of it lies around the fact that in a 6 deck shoe any time your count rises by 12 from your start, anywhere in the shoe you are at +2 true. (pgs. 143 and 144 on his explanation of WHY unbalanced works).

I know from a couple of private messages that Rezney recommends-when possible-splitting to two hands (at a lesser bet than the count indicates) both to help volativity and to get more money into play.

Remember, why make it more difficult than it has to be? It IS, after all Kiss-keep it simple, stupid!:grin:

Hope it helps!