KO Responses (HiNoon)


**my responses -

This is an interesting post. When I first found this hobby (lifestyle, habit, career, call it what you will), my impression was that the hi-lo count was the most efficient and accurate count there was. It seems to be the backbone for all "serious" or "pro" counts.

**not any more, not since the SCOREs.

In my reading I only later discovered the "unbalanced" count. It seems like while you'd have an easier time from the start...it would be just as hard to later switch to a balanced count as it wouldbe to learn it from the get go...old habits die hard and such. Do you advocate learning an unbalanced count...building proficiency and then switching once you reach a certain level? I made a commitment to hone my hi-lo skills before I started toying with other counts, and I'm intent on doing so. But I certainly would like to know your reasoning behind the preference.

**there would be no need to switch counts - one could keep the KO and switch to 'TKO'(true-counted KO). according to Karl Jamacek TKO is slightly stronger than HiLo.

You have often been a champion for accuracy, encouraging index knowledge that some have called overkill. So I would have guessed that you would shy away from the unbalanced counts.

**I have added about 14 addt'l #s to KO preferred, composite fore 1-2D ('KO-zg'?)

I'm glad to see you posting again. Your volume and content was missed and I know that there are a lot of us who are waiting to see what you choose to share with us.

**thank you... its why my interview was posted exclusively at this venue! zg


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply ZG!

I'm going to stick with Hi-Lo for the time, just because it's what I said I'd do. However, my wife has some interest in taking part, so I'm going to have her pick up KO and see how our experiences compare.

Unlike many here, my brain isn't primed for multiple number streams, otherwise I'd try to learn both. I figure if my wife has KO down and I have Hi-Lo, we'll have solid coverage in terms of playing styles, and cover play.

How do the two counts differ in terms of a player's bet changes? It would be interesting (though I don't know whether it would be useful as data) to start with a fresh 4 deck shoe and graph the suggested unit change for each system as the count fluctuates. Not sure if there's anything out there that does that. Clearly the graphs wouldn't indicate "trends" or "patterns", as every shoe would differ, so much as they might show the potential cover benefit that knowing multiple counts could provide.

Back to the grind.
It might work even better for one of you to play a level 1 and the other to play a level 2. You will get somewhat faster swings from good to bad and bad to good counts with level 2 and even very slightly faster with level 3.

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
BJI Lite

"its why my interview was posted exclusively at this venue"

and in the upcoming BJI according to Henry T in his BJI Lite??

A great little piece or work by Barfy and should be posted everywhere if not published in a book of interviews with blackjacks greatest players.


Re: BJI Lite **

"its why my interview was posted exclusively at this venue"
...and in the upcoming BJI according to Henry T in his BJI Lite??

** BJI is only running a "BJ-only excerpt" w/links to CC.com for the full no-hold-barred version. zg

A great little piece or work by Barfy and should be posted everywhere if not published in a book of interviews with blackjacks greatest players.

** "Robo, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship" zg

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: BJI Lite

** BJI is only running a "BJ-only excerpt" w/links to CC.com for the full no-hold-barred version. zg

!!I knew Barfy was working on a BJ only edited version, separating the wheaties from the chaff. Super!

"A great little piece or work by Barfy and should be posted everywhere if not published in a book of interviews with blackjacks greatest players.

** "Robo, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship"

!!That's all any man could ever hope for Griffy. I was picturing something like Munchkins interviews which are rather good. Expecting lots more good stuff from the great Barfmeister.

Somehow, Barfmeister just doesn't look right. ;>