KO to true count


Well-Known Member
THere was a thread here that explained how to convert KO RC to true count. Does anyone know where it is, or can anyone tell me how to make the conversion? I gave up trying to find it using "Search."


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
The spreadsheet is good. But is there a formula you can apply at the table without the need to memorize the table?
Not easily. For me, it's easier just to memorize some of the key numbers, such as wong in and out RCs for the first 3-4 decks.


Well-Known Member
They designed the spreadsheet to avoid true counting at the table. For some people it's easier to memorize such a table. If you have no problems with true counting start your IRC at 4 times the number of decks you play (for example 6D irc=-24) then divide your RC through the decks remaining. You make basically the same as the formula 21forme applied, in your head. I haven't used KO so i can't go any further in detail with it and it's long ago that i read all the stuff about KO. Maybe this from Brett Harris helps you Unbalanced (Archive copy). Also search the old forums of bjrnet.com and advantageplayer.com. You will find a lot information regarding TKO.


Well-Known Member
Aslan, I suggest starting the IRC at 0 for all number of decks. It makes the true count conversion much easier.

For 6 decks, start with IRC 0. After one deck is dealt the RC should be +4. Each excess unit of RC can then be divided by the number of decks remaining to get the true count. For example, at +9 with 5 decks left, divide the excess of 5 by 5 decks left and you get a TC of +1. Congrats, you have reached the key count and now have the advantage. At RC of +12 you have an excess of +4 with 4 decks left, once again TC of +1.

Be careful not to overbet though, since the pivot point remains +24 no matter where you are in the shoe. This corresponds to a true count of +4 at all times. So at one deck dealt you can profitably ramp over a +9 to +24 RC range, two decks dealt +12 to +24, and so on.

Also worth noting is that once you pass three decks, the key count actually increases to +18 with two decks left. Therefore you should be a bit more conservative towards the end of the shoe. At 1.5 decks left, the key count is actually +20, so once again be mindful of this on those last few hands and when you see deep penetration.

I cross checked all of the above with the spreadsheet on this thread and the KO book, so I think it should be correct. Hope it helps.

PS Edit: I also like the IRC 0 method for another reason. The wong out point is always right about when you are 4 below (or one deck) where the RC should be. E.G. wong out at RC of zero with one deck dealt, +4 with two decks dealt, etc.
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