Aslan, I suggest starting the IRC at 0 for all number of decks. It makes the true count conversion much easier.
For 6 decks, start with IRC 0. After one deck is dealt the RC should be +4. Each excess unit of RC can then be divided by the number of decks remaining to get the true count. For example, at +9 with 5 decks left, divide the excess of 5 by 5 decks left and you get a TC of +1. Congrats, you have reached the key count and now have the advantage. At RC of +12 you have an excess of +4 with 4 decks left, once again TC of +1.
Be careful not to overbet though, since the pivot point remains +24 no matter where you are in the shoe. This corresponds to a true count of +4 at all times. So at one deck dealt you can profitably ramp over a +9 to +24 RC range, two decks dealt +12 to +24, and so on.
Also worth noting is that once you pass three decks, the key count actually increases to +18 with two decks left. Therefore you should be a bit more conservative towards the end of the shoe. At 1.5 decks left, the key count is actually +20, so once again be mindful of this on those last few hands and when you see deep penetration.
I cross checked all of the above with the spreadsheet on this thread and the KO book, so I think it should be correct. Hope it helps.
PS Edit: I also like the IRC 0 method for another reason. The wong out point is always right about when you are 4 below (or one deck) where the RC should be. E.G. wong out at RC of zero with one deck dealt, +4 with two decks dealt, etc.