KO vs. Hi Lo Side Bet Question

Hey All!

Pretty new to the forums (and this stuff in general... see; my username.)

I have read a lot of forum threads, books, avid GWAE listener, etc. and when i began studying this game and learning to count it seemed like a pretty general consensus that KO would perform just as good as HILO (for games available to me) and so i went with the KO count. The big difference I have found, however, is that there is a lot of strategy/information out there about side bets and other potentially good plays, but they are almost always based off the Hi-Lo Count. For instance, i can find betting strategy information in regards to Hi/Lo and Lucky Ladies Side Bet, but not the same information for the KO count.

SO! my question is; Is there somewhere i CAN find information about utilizing KO count on side bets? or am i really better off just switching at this point and learning Hi/Lo count to be able to find strategy info on side bets, etc.?

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Thanks, Xen! But I didn’t mean that I’d be doing a regular KO count and betting along with that, I was more curious if there was any information out there in regards to using principles of KO to exploit a side bet....so I guess I’m just looking for a system that exploits side bets, but doesn’t require dividing to get a true count, instead using an initial running count etc. like with the KO count


Well-Known Member
blackjacknewb said:
so I guess I’m just looking for a system that exploits side bets, but doesn’t require dividing to get a true count, instead using an initial running count etc. like with the KO count
There is a 100% accurate unbalanced approach for the insurance side bet but I don't remember what it is. I am sure someone can post it.
Thanks, Dummy! That’s what I’m looking for/curious about...Unbalanced systems for various side bets!

I did get some good book recommendations in a PM (thanks again!!) but, definitely still interested if anyone else has resources/info they’d like to share!