KO Wongout Strategy


New Member
Assuming 6 decks,
where IRC=0, Key=+16, Pivot=+24,

And knowing that for every deck dealt, the count will roughly be +4 greater than it should really be;

Would it be a good strategy to wong-out when the count is:
+8 or less after ~100 cards have been dealt
+12 or less after half of the shoe
+16 or less with ~100 cards remaining
+20 or less with one deck remaining

Or am I totally off-base?


Well-Known Member
Syfted said:
Assuming 6 decks,
where IRC=0, Key=+16, Pivot=+24,

And knowing that for every deck dealt, the count will roughly be +4 greater than it should really be;

Would it be a good strategy to wong-out when the count is:
+8 or less after ~100 cards have been dealt
+12 or less after half of the shoe
+16 or less with ~100 cards remaining
+20 or less with one deck remaining

Or am I totally off-base?
do you have the actual KO book? i dont use KO but i recall there was a brief section in the book on recommended wong-out points.


Well-Known Member
rukus said:
do you have the actual KO book? i dont use KO but i recall there was a brief section in the book on recommended wong-out points.
The book does have wong out points but in my opinion those should only be loose guidelines. Wong out points should never be set in stone as there are too many other factors to consider such as how deep is the penetration? how many other players are at the table? how many tables are open in the casino? Is the casino busy? are there any other shuffles starting up? will someone else jump in my spot if I leave the table?
These are just some of the factors you must consider and will only come with experience. But if you are all new to this counting stuff then start out with the wong out points recommended in the book and time will eventually give you the instinct to know when to leave a table.