Lac Leamy

it's standard

8 decks, S17, no surrender, double after split, double on any, resplit to 4

and super 7s side bet. if you're interested in an extra 13 cents an hour go ahead and keep a side count of 7s


New Member
a_MASTER_pickup_artist said:
it's standard

8 decks, S17, no surrender, double after split, double on any, resplit to 4

and super 7s side bet. if you're interested in an extra 13 cents an hour go ahead and keep a side count of 7s
Do you know what the table minimums and max's are.......and any idea how much heat or maybe even their usual pen.


no heat what so ever. no one who works there believe that counting accually works. There is a high limit section with 6 decks also, 50$ min. bets. NO CSM's. I went to niagara after playing only in lac lemay and it was the first time I had seen some. Lac lemay is a car counter's dream casino.
i have to agree the dealers at lac leamy are pretty clueless. the bj games aren't that great though. beatable, but not that great. min bet is $10 and i think there are tables that go up to $2000.