Las Vegas Tribune Headline Story...


... featuring Bob Nersesian, Al Rogers, L.V. Bear, and others,
here - (Dead link:

Jay Lee

Active Member
Marked cards

How do they cheat you using marked cards? LV. Bear lays the blame thoroughly at the feet of Gaming Control, noting the case of a computerized tracking device that the Eldorado Casino was utilizing to illicitly improve their profits (i.e., cheat) at blackjack: "The Board had to be sued before it agreed to take action to stop [the Eldorado's] cheating at blackjack, through a computerized table that uses marked cards. Incredibly, the Board has permitted the continued use of the marked cards, but has made it less easy, though not impossible, for casinos to use the device to cheat patrons. The Board refuses to publicly disclose a copy of the anti-cheating orders it claims to have issued. Without the embarrassment of being sued for refusing to do its job, the Board would likely have continued to do nothing while the cheating went on unabated."


Well-Known Member
Mindplay machines *LINK*

Check them out:

(Dead link:

Basically, it is a computerized shoe that scans the marked cards as they are dealt and transmits that information (along with various information like the size of every player's bet) to the main computer. The pit bosses can then use this information to decide how much to comp a certain player based on their bet size and skill, or tell the dealer to shuffle the shoe every time it gets too positive. There are numerous ways to cheat using this machine, but the casinos promise that they won't use it to cheat. Yeah, right. If I use a blackjack computer I will go to prison.

Searching these posts (or any blackjack website) with the keywork "mindplay" will bring up everything you need to know about these evil machines.


Jay Lee

Active Member
Do they stack the shoe?

How else can they cheat. It doesn't sound so bad if they don't use preferential shuffling.


Well-Known Member
El Dorado in Reno

Does just that and was cause for a lawsuit. When the remaining cards favored the players they shuffled, when they favored the house they dealt on.


Rob Vega

New Member
Story made it to a big headline site *LINK*

Good news. This story made it to the front page of This is a popular headlines-with-a-twist/weird news internet site. A lot of 20-30s types, guys mostly.

It's under the headline "Study finds the only thing more crooked than the mafia running casinos are big corporations running casinos". The left link is the article, The right link is the comments section. My comments are from 'ElectroPuma'.

- Rob V.

LV Bear

Interesting thread

The amount of ignorance expressed in the thread about casinos and the games is astounding. It illustrates how futile it is to try to educate the masses about casino ripoffs. Thanks for posting it.

Rob Vega

New Member

I hear you, it's really disheartening the level of ignorance. I'm used to people not bothering to learn BS, but the "counters are cheats" type comments are astounding. It takes a special level of delusion to keep believing that casino-pushed propaganda.

However, I appreciate your recent efforts to improve the situation in spite of it all.


Well-Known Member
Casino message gets through

The usual response of these big corporations will not cheat players, the game is on the up and up, etc. Plus the message of advantage play is a form of cheating, has to me gotten through well enough that someone like the MGM did this without to much of a worry about bad publicity and no worry at all about the Nevada Gaming Stooges. The replies on that forum reflects this.
Add to this specials like the one ran on MSNBC, where once again we are cheaters, and the public begins to think that we are criminals, take the side of the casinos and when it is apparant that the casino is in the wrong, I see these people saying, "there must be more to this story."

Mindset of casinos: We can do and get away with just about anything we want.

The good news: Finally there has been some positive results in court but the penalty needs to also create a change in public opinion.
