lazy dog`s thought


New Member
Hi to everybody.
May I ask maybe a stupid question? Is it realistic to use hybrid caunting metod, - for shoe caunting KISS2, and for shuffle tracking/ squencing ( that, about what is talking Bojack1 and RJT) Hi-Lo?


Well-Known Member
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here ARG, but i'll see what i can do.
From my understanding of the Kiss counts, they are unbalanced and only the Kiss III count performs on a level with the Hi/Lo. While shuffle tracking is possible with an unbalanced count, the arithmatic behind it is complex. Basically it doesn't lend itself easily to packet tracking. Alongside this, the Kiss II count is not as powerful as the Hi/Lo (this is concluded from the 5 min of research i did on the Kiss count before replying so may be wrong lol).
Between the lesser power and greater difficulty of using this system for shuffle tracking, if you seriously want to learn this technique i'd highly recommend just moving over to the Hi/Lo counting system. It may take a little practice, but it'll be worth it in the end.
As to sequencing, the count you use when sequencing is irrelevant. You don't even need to count. Sequencing is an entirely different entity, it's just that many of the skills involved in counting are transferrable to sequencing.
If you are asking whether these techniques can be used in conjunction with counting, then the answer is yes although often it's better to just stick with the more powerful technique if you've found a really good opportunity rather than give yourself away for a lesser advantage.

ARG said:
Hi to everybody.
May I ask maybe a stupid question? Is it realistic to use hybrid caunting metod, - for shoe caunting KISS2, and for shuffle tracking/ squencing ( that, about what is talking Bojack1 and RJT) Hi-Lo?
your english isnt very good at all, we would need you to speak better english and then we can help you


Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
your english isnt very good at all, we would need you to speak better english and then we can help you
Bob, didn't i say to you not to post about things you don't know anything about?
You don't know much at all in the realm of play never mind advanced techniques and quite frankly ARG could have posted in perfect English, you still wouldn't be able to help him. Stick to what you know.
As to it, I'm fairly confident that the reply i gave to ARG 2 weeks ago answers his questions, otherwise i'm sure he'd have tried to clear up any issues by this point.


Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
RJT said:
Bob, didn't i say to you not to post about things you don't know anything about?
You don't know much at all in the realm of play never mind advanced techniques and quite frankly ARG could have posted in perfect English, you still wouldn't be able to help him. Stick to what you know.
As to it, I'm fairly confident that the reply i gave to ARG 2 weeks ago answers his questions, otherwise i'm sure he'd have tried to clear up any issues by this point.
Well said RJT. Bob there is no "we" on this forum. Each post is an individual contribution, it is wrong to imply otherwise as often even the experts are in small disagreement. It is important that posters can draw info from different members so they may draw their own conclusions as to the validity of each members information.