Learning blackjack strategy the easy way


New Member

I've done an article about how to memorize a blackjack strategy table in a relatively easy way. It's mostly aimed for beginers, but maybe more skilled players have use for it.
I would apreciate feedback and comments so that I can make the article better.

If you want to you can read it here (Dead link: http://spenen.se/2006/07/22/learning-blackjack-strategy-the-easy-way/)

Thanks in advance!

You're system was very interesting. I liked how you explained everything thoughly for beginners to undertand how to win in blakjack.

Has this strategy worked for you? Im interested to know how successful you have been using this.

Can I use this article for my site btw? I need good strategies and I will place a link to your site under it of course.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps its just me,but that simple way to memorize BS charts seems harder than just memorizing them in the first place.Since 80% or so are no brainers,it really isn't all that difficult.


New Member
Thanks for your comments.

I've found this method easier than learning it by repeating. I once decided to learn one table and learned it quite well, but it took a lot of effort and time. Then one week later I had forgot everything about it except that you should stay when you have 19 and above :D.

Of course you have to learn peg, and I think that's the tricky part. So if you already know peg it'll go much easier. And if you are learning peg just to memorize the blackjack table I agree it's better to memorize it another way.

So with this method I learned the whole table in about 20 minutes if you don't count the time for creating the association linking, and you have to keep in mind that I already knew peg before I started learning it.
But now the table stick in my head, I just go through the diferent associations in my head now and then to keep it in my memory.

Some will think this method is the easiest one, for some the opposite. And honestly the article looks harder than it really is. The basic steps is get familliar with peg, learn the notation, how to associate, and then learning the associations. I just explained it so that as many as possible could understand it.

The article is about learning black jack strategy table, but the main focus on the article is to learn how to memorize better with memory techniques, and then applying it to blackjack (if you see what I mean).

george_christodoulou, I rather not. It's still a bit under construction (making changes to it every day), but maybe later :D (you can still link to it if you want to).

Thanks for your comments, and if you maybe know some improvements or have some ideas please share them :)