learning to count
Well-Known Member
If you dont get a buyer why not designate others to help. Stanford wong has people helping him. IF I HAD THE MONEY KNOWLEDGE AND TIME I WOULD TAKE IT OVER. Alas I can only help. I know of a lot of player/members that would like to help. If any one out there is interested speak out. I am green chip member and I subscribe to CBJN and Track Jack but I am at home here at CC.COM. Hey ZG your always on and posting how about it. McGarvey you post here ten times a day and you run the cafe. Brad ROd how about you. Eliot I can get both my cousins to help. Ones a comp engineer and the other has e-businesses too. I'm ignorant but I am willing to learn. I have others who would help. Come on people speak up. Lets stick together. Here intellect rules just try and voice an oppinion on the other sites. You get ridiculed and insulted. AT least here we talk about advantage play and not voodoo! Phantom how about you? I have said my peace. Between 6/5, csm's, casino harassment and super duper computer tracking devices and now this SHIT I may just get a third job and quit gambling to make extra cash.