Legal Age?

Just wondering guys, what is the minimum age to enter a casino in america or in particular las vegas?I am 18 which is the legal age in my country (Australia) but i dont know what the legal age is in america, i would like to go to the states but do not want to go if i am just going to be turned back.


Well-Known Member
In most casinos, you would be turned back Luke. 18 is legal in a few Indian Casinos that do not serve alcohol, but at most, the legal age is 21.


Well-Known Member
I'm always amazed how in the land of the free you must be 21 to gamble or drink in a casino. An 18 yr old is a legal adult and can ruin his life by getting married or having kids or can buy all the guns he wants and join the army and get killed in some stupid war but God forbid if a 20 yr old wants to go to the casino drink a beer and place a bet!


Well-Known Member
SystemsTrader said:
I'm always amazed how in the land of the free you must be 21 to gamble or drink in a casino. An 18 yr old is a legal adult and can ruin his life by getting married or having kids or can buy all the guns he wants and join the army and get killed in some stupid war but God forbid if a 20 yr old wants to go to the casino drink a beer and place a bet!
Yep, completely ridiculous to me also. It struck me as more than a little silly that my son was legally permitted to join the armed services and be killed for his nation, but heaven forbid should he wish to place a wager. He is 21 now and it's no longer an issue for us, BUT it still defies logic to say it's ok to be married and have children but you can't have a beer.
Luckily for me the gambling age in Washington is 18. They are trying to change that, but since Im already old enough to gamble I wont be effected.



Well-Known Member
As a general rule,any place that is serving free liquor can't have patrons under 21.Turning Stone,in upstate New York,is the only casino I'm aware of on the East Coast that allows eighteen year olds to gamble. But it's non-drinking and non-smoking.


New Member
California's indian casinos have a restriction against anyone under 21 entering if alcohol is served, even though the law does not permit free alcohol. At Cache Creek, you must be 21, even though alcohol is only served in the bars, and not on the casino floor. There are a few casinos without alcohol left, and they permit 18 year olds, but they are getting fewer and fewer. The only one left near Sacramento is Jackson Rancheria.

I agree that the law requiring someone to be 21 is a bit silly. Unfortunately, the great nanny state intrudes into the lives of adults more than I would like.


Well-Known Member
DWI deaths amongst 18-21 year olds plummeted in NY when the drinking age was raised.Sad but true,young males just can't mix drinking and driving.
btw-I used to manage and then owned some niteclubs and the raise in the drinking age cost me a very large amount of money.