London Boy considering Vegas


I'm from England, I have played a lot here and been quite sucsessful even though the rules are rubbish. I spread $50 to $600( Actually it's £25 to £300 but with the weekening dollar I would need to double up) IE 1 to 12 spread ratio, and never more than double my stake from hand to hand. Could I play like this in vegas? Is it all CSM over there?

Any advice greatfully accepted :)


English enthusiast looking for somewhere to play

How do you find the heat in UK casinos? I'm led to believe that any display of skill leads to a barring. Where do you play? I'm considering going to the Grovesnor in Plymouth but I'm pretty sure they have CSMs. My brother plays for fun sometimes in Southampton but he doesn't even play BS. From what I can gather from him they use 6 decks Any tips on beatable games in the UK would be gratefully received.


Reachy said:
How do you find the heat in UK casinos? I'm led to believe that any display of skill leads to a barring. Where do you play? I'm considering going to the Grovesnor in Plymouth but I'm pretty sure they have CSMs. My brother plays for fun sometimes in Southampton but he doesn't even play BS. From what I can gather from him they use 6 decks Any tips on beatable games in the UK would be gratefully received.


I dunno how the heat compares to the US. I've developed a good "act" that lets me play for hours on end in most places, although I am barred from London Clubs International and the Ritz Hotel. To be fair in the LCI case I really took the pee out of them before they barred me.

Grosevenor are unlikelkey to barr you they just move the cut card up to say 50% pen which of course kills it really.

Barring is a pretty painless experience anyway they just write to you and withdraw your membership.

Most places are 6 decks, London has four deck games, you will not find better than four decks here, also most casinos outside of London require a min of two boxes open on a table. CSM are around but not that wide spread in my experience, where they do exist it is at the £5 tables.


Well-Known Member
Hardly a CSM at your play level

CSM's are almost always found on $5 and $10 tables in Vegas and there are none in any high limit rooms.
The $25-$50 minimum tables you will find yourself on will mostly be hand shuffled 6 deck shoes. There are only a couple of decent double deck games you could play at your bet range.

If you play the shoes, look for the better games, dealer stays on soft 17, double after split, resplit to 4 hands, resplit aces and late surrender. You can find these games at places like Mandalay Bay, MGM, Caesars, Wynn, Mirage, Bellaggio, Hilton, Tropicana, Monte Carlo and a few others. Some of these places might tolerate your spread and others will not. A lot depends upon your act and who is working the pit that day. This kind of information can not be put on a public board or given to a stranger, sorry.

Good luck

ihate17 said:
CSM's are almost always found on $5 and $10 tables in Vegas and there are none in any high limit rooms.
The $25-$50 minimum tables you will find yourself on will mostly be hand shuffled 6 deck shoes. There are only a couple of decent double deck games you could play at your bet range.

If you play the shoes, look for the better games, dealer stays on soft 17, double after split, resplit to 4 hands, resplit aces and late surrender. You can find these games at places like Mandalay Bay, MGM, Caesars, Wynn, Mirage, Bellaggio, Hilton, Tropicana, Monte Carlo and a few others. Some of these places might tolerate your spread and others will not. A lot depends upon your act and who is working the pit that day. This kind of information can not be put on a public board or given to a stranger, sorry.

Good luck

Cool what is typical penatration? it's about 1 deck to 1.5 decks here unless they are turning the heat up


Well-Known Member
Typical penetration

MoralAtheist said:
Cool what is typical penatration? it's about 1 deck to 1.5 decks here unless they are turning the heat up

At some places like the MGM, they have a notch in the shoe that gives approx 1.5 deck cut off.
At most other places it is "find the right dealer", or dealer dependent. Certain houses tend to cut off close to 2 decks, some if they think you count might cut the shoe in half (common in Atlantic City vs counters) but if you find a place that tends to cut a little more than a deck, you will probably find a dealer in that place that cuts a deck or less.

Finally, if you go to the website look for something called CBJN (current blackjack news) you need to pay for it, but it will give you tons of information including tables, rules and penetration on every blackjack game in the U.S.



New Member
I played at the Las Vegas Hilton and they had shoe in more than half of their BJ tables. $5 min during day and 10$ min during night (lowest min).

Pretty small/mid sized casino.
MoralAtheist said:

I'm from England, I have played a lot here and been quite sucsessful even though the rules are rubbish. I spread $50 to $600( Actually it's £25 to £300 but with the weekening dollar I would need to double up) IE 1 to 12 spread ratio, and never more than double my stake from hand to hand. Could I play like this in vegas? Is it all CSM over there?

Any advice greatfully accepted :)
Well man first bit of advice is that Yanks never say "rubbish"!

Other bits of advice... CSM's nothing to worry about... learn all the intricacies of Wonging in and out of good counts, and look for Late Surrender games, as this is the most valuable "optional" rule for a shoe BJ player.
Automatic Monkey said:
Well man first bit of advice is that Yanks never say "rubbish"!

Other bits of advice... CSM's nothing to worry about... learn all the intricacies of Wonging in and out of good counts, and look for Late Surrender games, as this is the most valuable "optional" rule for a shoe BJ player.
OK "Trash" then!

Can't see how Wonging can beat CSM though??


Well-Known Member
Did you ever make it to Vegas?

8 months or so have passed since you asked about Vegas, did you ever make it there and if so, how did you find the games?



Well-Known Member
MoralAtheist said:
OK "Trash" then!

Can't see how Wonging can beat CSM though??
you can't, he was saying that you don't need to worry about CSMs.

i just went to Vegas for the first time, not a CSM in sight - at least where i was playing, heck they couldn't even afford ASMs!!!