longevity vs take em for all their worth?

how long can one go in a casino card counting? that is one thing we can't sim, once our max bet is exposed they will watch you more closely, i assume the eye in the sky is counting along with me. i can only imagine 3 strikes and your out so after 3 days spent in the house they have my name and number. someone on youtube said why bother counting the cards since they will catch you sooner or later? and thats what im asking if you don't live in LV area or mobile is card counting still viable or achievable? i have not discussed the matters of risk of ruin, or getting the count 100% correct all the time so we have gambles within gambles so the gentleman on youtube was correct? why bother to learn something when the final out come is 3 strikes and your out if one is not mobile?


Well-Known Member
Stevel96a1 said:
how long can one go in a casino card counting? that is one thing we can't sim, once our max bet is exposed they will watch you more closely, i assume the eye in the sky is counting along with me.
Trying to answer your first question is impossible, as there are thousands of different variables involved. Suffice it to say there is not a one size fits all. No two players play/bet exactly the same way. Including levels of play, time of a session, possible camo use or not etc, etc. Just like you will find all kind of different heat variations everywhere you go. That is why you cannot simulate it.

Stevel96a1 said:
i can only imagine 3 strikes and your out so after 3 days spent in the house they have my name and number.
I hope you do not think you get three strikes per casino in this game. Sometimes you will get subtle, or not so subtle warnings that it is time for you to leave before they act. In a sense, you could call those strikes, but the problem is that many casinos stop you from playing blackjack on the first strike without warning period. If a casino wants your name bad enough they will find ways to get it, but hopefully you do not make it easy for them by giving it to them in the first place.


Well-Known Member
I think at least part of your answer is in your thread title. If you make longevity your top priority and tailor your game to that, identifying and playing limits and a style that is better toletated, a player can still achieve some longevity goals.

When I started, I had a 10 year plan. It has taken me 15 years to reach those goals. I am now hoping for another 10 years. I think I can do much better this second time around. ☺


Stevel96a1 said:
how long can one go in a casino card counting? that is one thing we can't sim, once our max bet is exposed they will watch you more closely, i assume the eye in the sky is counting along with me. i can only imagine 3 strikes and your out so after 3 days spent in the house they have my name and number. someone on youtube said why bother counting the cards since they will catch you sooner or later? and thats what im asking if you don't live in LV area or mobile is card counting still viable or achievable? i have not discussed the matters of risk of ruin, or getting the count 100% correct all the time so we have gambles within gambles so the gentleman on youtube was correct? why bother to learn something when the final out come is 3 strikes and your out if one is not mobile?
If you only have a few casinos you can play at then you're going to get barred from all of them eventually, it's only a matter of time, the hammer always falls. You can delay the hammer falling if you decide to play short sessions, if you take that approach then you're going to have to drive from one casino to the next and if you're doing that the drive can be several hours between casinos depending on how many you have accessible to you.
Next thing you have to consider is where you're going to train. If you're a new card counter (and not mobile) you're probably going to train at your local casino and then you're going to make tons of rookie mistakes and probably not last as long as you could have. No matter what you read online there is no supplement for hands on training. You're going to have to make the silly rookie mistakes hands on (playing too long, wind milling your head, spreading too large or ducking too many negative counts, over tipping ,etc.) If you were to take a seasoned pro and give him three or four shops to play between that player can probably make it work but if you give the same option to a rookie who's just starting out they're going to burn those bridges fast.
All in all, card counting isn't a good deal for a immobile rookie unless you're not playing for the money. That's my 2 cents on it. I would like to hear other opinions.
So what im reading from above and all over counting is worthless unless you live in lv or mobile again its only matter of time for that hammer. Nevermind bankrilling. Variance . Ror i think they will catch me and its not worth it if not mobile


Stevel96a1 said:
So what im reading from above and all over counting is worthless unless you live in lv or mobile again its only matter of time for that hammer. Nevermind bankrilling. Variance . Ror i think they will catch me and its not worth it if not mobile
Well, to say it bluntly: Yes.