looking for a chart....


Well-Known Member
that would show the difference between certain plays. For example-hitting 12 vs dealers 2 will give a value of X,while standing will result in Y.
In a nutshell,a chart that would tell how much making a few simple mistakes would add up to. Also,if someone could point out a chart that tells how often every particular play occurs on the average.I looked thru most of the sites zg listed in the CC forums,but I haven't seen these. Thanks

bj bob

Well-Known Member
I think both of your questions can be answered by Revere's "...Blackjack as A Business. He has complete charts for the frequency of all hand and I believe he also adresses the win/loss (in hands) of each by playing correctly according to BS. There are more , I'm sure, out there, but that's the one I know for sure. Hope that helps.


Whats the point!?!? Probably so you can indulge yourself with certain wrong plays? Like standing 12v.2, not splitting 99v.9, not hitting A7v.10, etc.? zg


Well-Known Member
Thats almost exactly what I was looking for.Not exactly,but I think I can extrapulate what I was looking for ,from them.