Love when the varience gods smile


Well-Known Member
Won 35 units in two hours in one joint, go a little ansy there so went elsewhere and left there with 23 units. Don't think I ever had a night like this. Felt so good Took my self and wife to a $100 steak dinner

My game was good except I should have wonged out more often, but it's hard to leave when you keep winning? Was not just winninh hands, but amazing splits/doubles that usually kill me.

One hand split 7 vs 7 and dealer says "how about a 4 on that" bap a 4 -- doubled it got a ten. Next another 7 -- split those puppies and get 3 on, doubled and got a ten. get ANOTHER 7 and splot that and draw a 10last 7 gets me another 3 so double that for a 9 -- dealer flips his card for a 9 and rgen draws a 2. lost one bet but picked up five! What a nice feeling smiling and pulling in all those chips!

Now, how do I keep the variance gods with me.