Lucky Ladies Report
Number of decks: 6
number of hands: 100000000
Penetration: 240 cards.
Payoff schedule:
Any 20: 4-to-1
Suited 20: 9-to-1
Matched 20: 19-to-1
QH pair: 125-to-1
QH pair + BJ: 1000-to-1
Count system:
A: -2
2: 2
3: 2
4: 2
5: 2
6: 2
7: 1
8: 0
9: 0
T: -2
QofH: -2
Lucky Lady earnings per 100 rounds (per hour): $2.3793
Wager is made 1.20801 times per 100 rounds (per hour)
Earnings per Lucky Lady $25 bet actually placed: $1.9696
Leave the table when true count falls below -99.
Key True count (make bet at this count or higher): 22
Standard deviation per hand is: $20.9356
Desirability index for this system: 94.0789
<=0 -31 39115539
1 -26.08 9721943
2 -25.19 7931446
3 -24.21 6578164
4 -22.95 5518697
5 -22.58 4675367
6 -21.39 3922773
7 -20.79 3386449
8 -19.94 2869770
9 -18.78 2445836
10 -18.24 2140948
11 -16.99 1826353
12 -14.95 1260500
13 -14.94 1595683
14 -13.65 1153000
15 -12.28 1003649
16 -9.43 813061
17 -9.48 698808
18 -7.61 615974
19 -5.51 480679
20 -4.83 437240
21 -3.98 344232
22 -0.94 277664
23 0.57 255587
24 1.72 193915
25 5.14 111636
26 5.01 168106
27 9.01 100232
28 12.24 90397
29 13.06 58541
30 17.54 48698
Lucky Ladies Report
Number of decks: 2
number of hands: 100000000
Penetration: 66 cards.
Payoff schedule:
Any 20: 4-to-1
Suited 20: 10-to-1
Matched 20: 25-to-1
QH pair: 200-to-1
QH pair + BJ: 1000-to-1
Count system:
A: 0
2: 1
3: 2
4: 2
5: 3
6: 2
7: 2
8: 1
9: -1
T: -3
QofH: -3
Lucky Lady earnings per 100 rounds (per hour): $12.6634
Wager is made 4.48969 times per 100 rounds (per hour)
Earnings per Lucky Lady $25 bet actually placed: $2.82054
Leave the table when true count falls below -99.
Key True count (make bet at this count or higher): 15
Standard deviation per hand is: $31.6551
Desirability index for this system: 89.1023
<=0 -33.39 58003115
1 -23.2 5974264
2 -21.42 5218113
3 -19.68 4599638
4 -17.62 3750689
5 -16.8 3286154
6 -14.91 2782073
7 -13.2 2435544
8 -11.89 1984351
9 -9.04 1820475
10 -7.8 1549359
11 -7.34 1279136
12 -5.38 657296
13 -3.94 1357429
14 -0.65 811441
15 0.51 731185
16 3.37 629259
17 5.57 450999
18 6.61 454936
19 9.03 351967
20 11.7 329386
21 13.77 221003
22 15.01 242752
23 16.81 202111
24 20.28 167382
25 16.96 44366
Lucky Ladies Report
Number of decks: 6
number of hands: 100000000
Penetration: 240 cards.
Payoff schedule:
Any 20: 4-to-1
Suited 20: 9-to-1
Matched 20: 19-to-1
QH pair: 125-to-1
QH pair + BJ: 1000-to-1
Count system:
A: -2
2: 2
3: 2
4: 2
5: 2
6: 2
7: 1
8: 0
9: 0
T: -2
QofH: -2
Lucky Lady earnings per 100 rounds (per hour): $0.97955
Wager is made 1.06572 times per 100 rounds (per hour)
Earnings per Lucky Lady $25 bet actually placed: $0.919141
Leave the table when true count falls below -99.
Key Running count (make bet a this running count or higher): 44
Standard deviation per hand is: $18.8737
Desirability index for this system: 48.6997
<=0 -32.36 29418061
1 -28.8 2558953
2 -27.95 2851906
3 -28.71 2725396
4 -28.05 2904722
5 -27.52 2698485
6 -27.17 2784411
7 -27.14 2684986
8 -26.29 2692535
9 -26.21 2587433
10 -25.84 2560679
11 -24.83 2489935
12 -24.46 2443314
13 -24.34 2367096
14 -23.53 2308921
15 -23.75 2230090
16 -23.21 2161085
17 -22.06 2077852
18 -21.45 1998344
19 -20.86 1913531
20 -20 1826790
21 -19.85 1743023
22 -18.95 1649729
23 -18.66 1564087
24 -16.68 1475441
25 -16.88 1388679
26 -16.05 1299318
27 -15.39 1214279
28 -14.32 1130725
29 -14.47 1047915
30 -12.58 967111
31 -11.3 891042
32 -11.16 816600
33 -9 743611
34 -9.44 678037
35 -8.82 612576
36 -6.23 553600
37 -6.61 497203
38 -5.54 446662
39 -4.09 398595
40 -3.79 352794
41 -3.85 312637
42 -1.95 275326
43 -0.37 241152
44 2.14 211008
45 0.87 183370
46 2.29 159395
47 3.19 136725
48 4.55 117687
49 8.2 100101
50 6.89 85139
51 7.71 72298
52 4.31 61068
53 3.48 51408
54 7.17 43217