lucky lady bet

The Stork

Well-Known Member
I have lost some data concerning lucky ladies bet. I am using the uston point count, simular to high low with the exception that 2=0 and 7=1 The luckylady bet for high low is TC=7 What is the specific data using high low uston for this bet. The same question for uston SS. I am using a true edge method for both count to know my percentage. I guess with high low with an average of an 1/2 percentage against you from the start of the shoe the percentage should be around 2 percent independent which count you use.

I would like to start programming myself, which program should I use. Any help here.



Stork, you forgot to mention that your UAPM uses a HALF-DECK TC. So your LL strike point would be 1/2 that of HiLo with 1DTC. zg

The Stork

Well-Known Member

Ok Zen,

That means to be conservative I would start betting it when my true count is 4. And what about Uston SS. Using true count with that, should I use 1/2 deck or 1 deck. I just want to know that for understanding and study reasoning. Does anyone could do a simulation on this?

Thanks Zen



mjbballar23 said:
how much can the lucky ladies side bet add to your EV?
Not alot overall - maybe .5%-.8% - but it feels stronger when you are placing the $25 sidebets with a 10-20% edge. zg