Ma-USA Today-Inside E.

I can't help but wish Ma would stop talking particulars about card counting, this really doesn't help "matters" at all. Today there were details about counting in USA Today and on Inside Edition, all from Ma. It is one thing to talk about experiences and then to actually get down to strategy....we are, often, our own worst enemy. :whip:

I believe there are many casinos who will become alarmed because of the movie and Ma's interviews and cause us problems, just to prove that they can...human nature. Never smart to get in someones face.

As to card counting,, there is *alot* more to AP play than just counting!

I have a bad feeling about all this, just don't like it-at all.

True BJ "Warriors"- "Predators"- need *no publicity* and "Creeping Panthers" prefer to strike unseen and then disappear into the night. ;)

I hope the movie bombs and is gone in a week. :mad:

Creeping Panther


Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
I have a bad feeling about all this, just don't like it-at all.
I’m not worried about it. If Kenny Uston didn’t kill the game by publishing dozens of books about the specific techniques he used (and the names of the pit bosses he beat! Talk about getting in their faces…) and suing the casinos, then Jeff Ma won’t even create a ripple in the pool. Just as the articles and movie will give thousands of people false confidence about being able to win at blackjack, it will also give the pit crew false confidence in their ability to spot card counters. They'll all be looking for girls crossing their arms behind every chair. :laugh: I think all this hype will produce more ploppies on both sides of the table. The casinos will think that they are keeping their games safe, they will make bigger profits from the bad players and the APs will still be earning their paychecks right under everyone’s noses.

creeping panther said:
I hope the movie bombs and is gone in a week. :mad:
I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if it did. Then again, I thought Rounders was crap so maybe I’m not the best judge of public opinion.



Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
I don't think you can learn to count cards from an USA Today infographic
yet still some will try to. some maybe even with the USA Today in hand at the blackjack table:laugh:


Well-Known Member

creeping panther said:

I hope the movie bombs and is gone in a week. :mad:

Creeping Panther
I thought that this was going to be the case but i know two people/ploppies that have seen the movie already (they work in theaters and movie industry) and they both said the movie was i dunno. I think the movie might end up being a bigger success than people on this forum have been talking. Whether that affects table conditions at all...i guess we ll just have to wait and see.
As to Uston

we all know how he ended up, and he *did* cause problems.

Ego can really get in the way.

I have an extended hunt planned soon and this publicity sure won't help my "Prey" to relax.

This is a no win situation.

Creeping Panther


Well-Known Member
For every professional counter, there are going to be 10 counters that can only break even, 100 that will lose, and 1000 new ploppies. It's phenomenal for the game.