Beating Neg counts
A decade or so ago a well known player published a pamphlet that was distributed to other AP's concerning his, her, experiences concerning playing in negative counts.. using many indices for negative count play. This was most fascinating and did cause some controversy. I still have the Indices printed in the pamphlet which I have included in my arsenal.
I have come to believe that through VERY SKILLED play in good DD games that it is possible to hold your own and to even beat the game at such times. It is *good cover* and a good *mental exercise* to use tactical moves against the house during these neg. counts and it can be great fun to do these *deviations*, of course with minimal bets out. Actually I have found the bigger the negative count the more exciting it can get.
You do not always have the luxury to Wong Out in neg. counts for a variety of reasons.
I am not recommending this for everyone, or anyone, but simply mentioning it as one example how a Skilled AP may choose to think "Outside The Box".