making money playing blackjack


New Member
is it really possible for a beginner to make money playing blackjack? What is the best way to learn basic stratigy? best way to learn to count cards?
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Well-Known Member
brirys said:
is it really possible for a beginner to make money playing blackjack? What is the best way to learn basic stratigy? best way to learn to count cards?
Yes it is possible but it is not something that many can quit their job over counting cards is not always a sure thing it takes a very long time and lots of practice... did i mention a larger bankroll than most would ever guess?basic strategy is simple enough to learn there is a basic strategy simulator on the main page as well as a basic strategy chart

the easiest way for me to learn the chart was simply to deal to myself and make a move, check and correct youll learn that quick enough

if you stick around for the counting part there are many many many sources on this site it has all you need to know

the simplest couting strategy i belive is the hi-lo but you should learn basic strategy perfect before starting to count


Well-Known Member
Yes, there are several ways a skilled player can make money playing blackjack under the right circumstances. Off the top of my head 3 ways you can do it are promtions/coupons, card counting, and tournaments.

Promotions/coupons is by far the easiest way to make money at a casino, they're literally just giving it away. Any ploppy with a vague notion of basic strategy enjoys a monstrous advantage using a matchplay, win card, free ace, etc. Advantages of this play are that it requires no skill and really no bankroll. Disadvantages are that it is completely casino determined so it is limited and not likely repeatable. Unless you live in a competitive market ie. Vegas you'll probably spend your advantage on gas. Many people on this site claim you can take advantage of online casino promotions, but I have no personal experience with this.

Card Counting is a mathematically proven method that allows a skilled player with sufficient bankroll and favorable conditions to attain an advantage in the long run. Advantages include repeatability and exponential return do to increased bet sizes. Disadvantages are high initial investment both cash, several thousands, and practice. Also variance is high so it is not for the risk averse.

Blackjack tournaments are a third way you can make money at blackjack. Obviously a skilled player has an advantage at the game. I've only played in promotional tournaments that were either free or had an associated promotion with an expected value higher than the entrance fee. Especially at promotional tournaments most of the players were ploppies so any basic knowledge of strategy would increase your expected value.

There are other ways to make money at blackjack, some legal, some illegal, but these are the 3 easiest ways I can think of.


Well-Known Member
brirys said:
is it really possible for a beginner to make money playing blackjack? What is the best way to learn basic stratigy? best way to learn to count cards?
Yes but there is much to learn...........

A good way to learn basic strategy and make some money at the same time is bonus hunting. Making money as you learn will give you good motivation to get through the boring process of memorising the chart. Use the BS engine from this site and print a chart off (Make sure you have the correct BS for the rules you want to learn). Find a few online casinos which offer suitable sign up bonuses for blackjack. Flat bet the table min playing strict BS from your chart. By the time you have cleared the wager requirement for the bonus you will be referring to the chart less and less, by the time you've done a few bonuses, you'll will have played thousands of hands and have BS pretty much nailed, hopefully you'll make a nice little profit too. The next step is to get a sim and practise any weak points, there are many free sims/games available which you can set to practices more difficult hands such soft hands, splits and surrender. Once you know BS 100% you can then start to think about learning a count.

This was how I learnt, whether you use this approach or not, just remember that learning perfect BS is step 1 and must come first.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Making Money at BJ

It takes a lot of study and practice to become sufficiently proficient.
That means months and years, not days and weeks.

Sloppy play wil lose money in the long run.
To play really well requires discipline and concentration.
It takes a large bankroll to play properly.
Even for a $10 minimum game, you'd need $5,000-$10,000 in cash.
That means you have thousands of dollars that you are willing to put at risk,
meaning that it MUST be truly "discretionary" funds.
That $10 game will earn you more than "mimimum wage" but not by much.

Your edge is very modest, (generally under 1%)
Losing lots of of money is very commonplace.
A card counter can expect to win approximately 65% of his sessions.
Read that again until it sinks in.
"Going Broke" needs to be something that does not effect you emotionally.

Card Counting at a level where you can expect to make enough money to
make all of the time and effort worthwhile will require your playing $25 tables with a large cash bankroll.
Depending on your risk-tolerance that means $10,000 to $20,000.

You need to be comfortable playing the "Cat & Mouse Game"
of playing in a fashion that keeps you from being "86'd" from casinos.
The more you wager and the better you play, the more likely you are to be barred from play, or even "trespassed."