Making money with side bets


Well-Known Member
The other day I was playing BJ at my local casino. The table had a side bet of perfect pairs which of coarse I never play because of the extra house advantage. Although, this time I was getting pairs more frequently. The lady beside me was playing this side bet between $10 to $20 every hand and getting frustrated because she wasn't hitting very many pairs. So, she asked if she could play my side bet as well. I said, "Sure, that's fine with me". For the next hour she continued to play both side bets and every time she hit a pair with my hand I received a tip from her between $5.00 and $25.00 :grin: Not only that, the table minimum was $20.00 and I got away with playing $15.00 minimum the whole hour between 2 or 3 dealers. :p