Martingale vs. Oscar's grind illustration


Well-Known Member
I don't advocate using any of these progression systems but you can see that after having played 1000 hands on Hoyle's Casino (computer game) using 6 decks, S17, DOA, split up to 4 hands, $5 minimum bet and roughly 75% penetration, Oscar's Grind outperforms martingale.

(Dead link:

I acknowledge that the results I had were atypical given that flat betting $10, I would have won $360 but even when the going was really rough with a stretch where you would have lost $225 flatbetting (see cell f2) $10, oscar's grind outperformed martingale and surprisingly outperformed flatbetting. Basic strategy was used for these results.

Keep in mind that I used a stop loss for oscar's grind when I went down $200 at any point, starting the new sequence right after the first win when the stop loss point was hit.

The stop loss point for martingale was when I lost over $200 in a losing streak.