Match play basic stragedy!


Well-Known Member
When you use a matchplay playing blackjack and you have a $10 bet with a $10 matchplay and don't have another matchplay you can not ad $20 to your double down just $10 the penalty of not being able to hit again is greater there for you should double less often. I would elimante most soft doubles except those that are one hit only like soft 17 vs 6 or less.
However splitting hands like 6,7,8 become more attractive especially if you only have to put up $10 on the other hands. I'm not that sure about 2,3,9 though. Effectively when you have a matchplay that will only be used on one leg of the split you are forsced to split for less. One hand with a $10 bet and a $10 matchplay and one with a $10 bet are two differen't bets.


Well-Known Member
Cardcounter said:
When you use a matchplay playing blackjack and you have a $10 bet with a $10 matchplay and don't have another matchplay you can not ad $20 to your double down just $10 the penalty of not being able to hit again is greater there for you should double less often.
I'll crunch the numbers later, but the theory is simple. If you can't double your match play, double when:

3*Pwin(onehit) - 2*Plose(onehit) > 2*Pwin(hit) - 1*Plose(hit)

If you can double your match play, double when:

4*Pwin(onehit) - 3*Plose(onehit) > 2*Pwin(hit) - 1*Plose(hit)