Mid shoe entry rules


Well-Known Member
I my opinion mid shoe entry rules are pretty meaningless to a decent counter because if you go with the minimum until the deck gets good you are not at that much of a disadvantage unless you are at a 25 and on a budget.


Well-Known Member
Some folks think you should never play a negative EV hand and/or strictly like to wong in. I don't have the patience for that and have rarely found conditions where I thought that made sense. I do like to wong out as much as possible though, but usually I'm coming right back after my bathroom or other type of brief break to let the shoe finish out.

6D I avoid like the plague, may revisit if I ever find some UNCROWDED 6D. But then wonging out becomes less viable.


Well-Known Member
kevinheap said:
I my opinion mid shoe entry rules are pretty meaningless to a decent counter because if you go with the minimum until the deck gets good you are not at that much of a disadvantage unless you are at a 25 and on a budget.
Just don't tell the casinos they made those rules for no reason whatsoever.

Mum's the word lol.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Just don't tell the casinos they made those rules for no reason whatsoever.

Mum's the word lol.
I thought what motivated no mid shoe entry was to keep from being hit big by a team using a BP. like the MIT Team. I suppose they don't mind keeping a good counter from wonging, but how often do they lose a wanna be counter who would jump in and bet big when the count isn't as positive as he thought?


Well-Known Member
GeorgeD said:
Ahhhh Da Flow. Let us bow our heads to the Sacred Flow.
NOOOOOO! Bowing is subservient and therefore unlucky! You have to throw a pinch of salt over your shoulder. No wait, that’s unlucky for the person behind you! You have to rub your lucky rabbit’s foot. No, because that rabbit obviously wasn’t very lucky! You have to pray. But most religions object to gambling so God will smite you! AAARHG! Someone please tell me what to do!



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
AAARHG! Someone please tell me what to do!

QUICK! Send me ALL your money so you will NEVER AGAIN find yourself in this horrible quandry!

I but live to serve the honorable house of Sonny!


Well-Known Member
eps6724 said:
QUICK! Send me ALL your money so you will NEVER AGAIN find yourself in this horrible quandry!
Good idea! I'll do it right away. Just post your bank account number and routing number on this public forum and I'll wire you the money ASAP. :devil:



Well-Known Member
Sonny said:
Good idea! I'll do it right away. Just post your bank account number and routing number on this public forum and I'll wire you the money ASAP. :devil:

LOVE to, but my accounts are all tied up. Seems I've won the UK Lottery, the Australian Lottery. my long lost Russian Uncle is sending me a ton of money, and some guy in Niger needs my help to get a bunch of money out of his country! :joker: