Min bets in LA


New Member
I'm going to LA in a few weeks and wanted to find out about the casino scene. What are the minimum bets at the casinos there?


Well-Known Member
twallyf said:
I'm going to LA in a few weeks and wanted to find out about the casino scene. What are the minimum bets at the casinos there?
there are no real casinos in LA. there are a bunch of "card clubs" like hustler casino, commerce casino at each of these places you have to pay the house a fee per hand. last time i checked hustler charged $1 per hand to play.

your best bet from my limitted knowledge is about 1 to 1.5 hours east of LA, there are a vareity of casinos there.


Well-Known Member
Check out the thread below titled "SoCal Desert & SD Casinos." It has some good leads to get you started.
