Mini-team strategy?


New Member
Are there any reasonable "team" strategies for 2 or 3-person teams? It seems like traditional stuff (wonging in during high counts) would rapidly get recognized given that the same people will be seen together all the time.


Well-Known Member
Everyone plays at a different table and each player play like his bankroll was everyone's bankroll together.


New Member
asiafever said:
Everyone plays at a different table and each player play like his bankroll was everyone's bankroll together.
The net advantage being less risk of ruin and more total hands?


Well-Known Member
More hands played which will reduce varience and those hands are played at a bigger unit so more profit.
This said, the ideal number of spotters for the big player approach is 2-3.



Well-Known Member
I would have to disagree with the 2-3 spotters idea. Maybe if you look at it purely from a profit perspective when you do profit sharing to compensate spotters. From a camo perspective, though, the more spotters you can get, the less it looks like the BP is waiting for a call-in. And if you compensate spotters at an hourly rate, it may be +EV to have 7 or 8 of them.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but what you are talking about - 7 to 8 spotters - is a cover play and a very expensive one at that. With 7-8 spotters, you are not going to be able to take advantage of half of the +ve counts that occur, so these counts and in essence those spotters are going to waste. At low (meaning not betting multiple thousands on each round) limits, if you choose your places to play, you will have no problem playing with 2-3 spotters and will make a lot more money.



Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
From a camo perspective, though, the more spotters you can get, the less it looks like the BP is waiting for a call-in. And if you compensate spotters at an hourly rate, it may be +EV to have 7 or 8 of them.
If you’re going to use 7-8 spotters than it would probably make sense to add another BP. That way you get the benefit of added cover that you mentioned but don’t miss out on all that +EV action.

Alternatively, you could stick with 1 BP and raise your call-in point. If you wait until a +3 (or so) to call the BP then he can make big bets all the time and he won’t miss as many situations. This would also give the BP a smaller spread for even more cover. However, it probably wouldn’t be as profitable.



Well-Known Member
hazard said:
The net advantage being less risk of ruin and more total hands?
The net advantage being the same ROR but more hands played per hour at a higher unit.

I mean why even bother to play in the same casino if the same game is available elsewhere?


Well-Known Member
A small team like this can use all sorts of techniques to get an additional advantage. You can have certain members using a special system to beat side bets like insurance and Lucky Ladies. If the tables are crowded then you can use a modified BP/Rider strategy to get an extra edge (and great cover) over traditional BP methods. You can also have them playing separately (but in the same pit) and send signals for various things (hot shoe here come join me, cold shoe I’m leaving, you’re getting heat from your left/right, move to another table on your left/right, I need more money, meet me in the bathroom, let’s get out of here, etc.). You can also use teammates to “turn” the pit staff when someone needs to make some huge bets, pull a dangerous play or is getting heat.

There are numerous ways to use teammates to your advantage. It all depends on what style of play you are using. None of these are as powerful as the moethods mentioned in the previous posts, but they can be helpful in certain cases.

Here's a link to one of my first posts on this website:



Well-Known Member
The youngest female on my team in the making is QUITE the looker. Last week in AC,she had the pitboss hovering over her table so much that I think I could have robbed the other tables at gunpoint and he wouldn't have noticed.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
The youngest female on my team in the making is QUITE the looker. Last week in AC,she had the pitboss hovering over her table so much that I think I could have robbed the other tables at gunpoint and he wouldn't have noticed.
Yeh females do have excellent cover and they do cause quite the distraction, but there are several other issues that you have to be aware of and having experienced this, i really feel i should make this clear.
Attractive females draw attention, and not the 'catch you card counting' attention but the 'freaky stalker over aggressive male' attention. When myself and my gf were playing with Bojack earlier this year there were several occasion where specific males became overly assertive, to the point of being frightening.
There was one male that followed my gf for over 30 min, moving where-ever she moved without ever talking to her and as we have to pretend that we don't know each other, i'm not even aware of this.
Then there was another occasion where i had to call her because another gent was refusing to let her leave a slot machine.
Then there was a guy who totally had her s****ing herself because he was with his gf, but anytime his gf would leave, wouldn't leave her alone. He pursued her from table to table, telling her to come with him and when she refused, telling her that she wasn't to leave ect ect.
All i'm saying is that female player's have a huge advantage cover wise, but often when you are playing with them having other players keep an eye out - or possibly having a signal to indicate that they are getting undesired attention can be a very good idea.
