As I've already posted,I'll be in Vegas for 4 days.I expect to be playing lo-limit games,$5 bets,up to perhaps $20 on the occasional ripe moment.Will a dedicated BR of $800 be sufficent?I'm thinking $350 loss limit for first day,then 1/3 total BR for the next day,1/2 for the day after. This would be exclusive of walking around/dining money.
If,after two days,I'm up money,should I raise my bets or just pocket that money?
As stated,I'm pretty much a BS player that can count a little.If the first hand of a DD game throws up a preponderence of small cards,I know to up my bet.Vice versa.While I'm reading the indices for making change from BS on the count,I'm not sure I'll have more than a few down pat for this trip.
If,after two days,I'm up money,should I raise my bets or just pocket that money?
As stated,I'm pretty much a BS player that can count a little.If the first hand of a DD game throws up a preponderence of small cards,I know to up my bet.Vice versa.While I'm reading the indices for making change from BS on the count,I'm not sure I'll have more than a few down pat for this trip.