Minimum BR requirements.


Well-Known Member
As I've already posted,I'll be in Vegas for 4 days.I expect to be playing lo-limit games,$5 bets,up to perhaps $20 on the occasional ripe moment.Will a dedicated BR of $800 be sufficent?I'm thinking $350 loss limit for first day,then 1/3 total BR for the next day,1/2 for the day after. This would be exclusive of walking around/dining money.
If,after two days,I'm up money,should I raise my bets or just pocket that money?
As stated,I'm pretty much a BS player that can count a little.If the first hand of a DD game throws up a preponderence of small cards,I know to up my bet.Vice versa.While I'm reading the indices for making change from BS on the count,I'm not sure I'll have more than a few down pat for this trip.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
As I've already posted,I'll be in Vegas for 4 days.I expect to be playing lo-limit games,$5 bets,up to perhaps $20 on the occasional ripe moment.Will a dedicated BR of $800 be sufficent?I'm thinking $350 loss limit for first day,then 1/3 total BR for the next day,1/2 for the day after. This would be exclusive of walking around/dining money.
If,after two days,I'm up money,should I raise my bets or just pocket that money?
As stated,I'm pretty much a BS player that can count a little.If the first hand of a DD game throws up a preponderence of small cards,I know to up my bet.Vice versa.While I'm reading the indices for making change from BS on the count,I'm not sure I'll have more than a few down pat for this trip.
If you learned to count better and knew BS good i would say you should find games you can wong in/out of. But since you are just going to be playing for fun, I would say yes this should be enough money There is no proper stop point. maybe if you win $400 quit while you are up since you are not playing with a advantage..? It is all up to you, and what you want to do (ex. win small amount, double your money, minimize loss)


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Will a dedicated BR of $800 be sufficent?I'm thinking $350 loss limit for first day,then 1/3 total BR for the next day,1/2 for the day after. This would be exclusive of walking around/dining money.
With a $350 stop-loss you should be able to make it through a few hours of play each day fairly easily. Just don't overplay, especially if you are losing. Be aware that with only 160 units there is a still a small chance that you will go broke within those 4 days.

From your other posts I get the impression that you are still working on BS and your counting skills. I would recommend that you play very carefully until you have mastered BS, can count flawlessly at casino speed, know your TC conversions and deck estimations, and have calculated your optimal bet spread. Your bankroll will thank you.:)

This trip will be a great chance to practice. The best practice you can get is to watch someone from behind the table. Try to count and play their hand as though you were sitting in their spot. You should be able to play much faster than the other players even while you are counting. If you cannot keep up with the game, just keep watching and practicing. If you can keep up, wait for a positive TC and play a few hands. Do not play if you cannot play quickly and accurately and do not play until the advantage is in your favor. A $5-$20 spread will not beat most games unless you are backcounting.



Well-Known Member
I'm looking at this trip as sort of a practice run.While I'm getting in the hi 90s playing the hit and stand game on the difficult mode,I haven't had much real life single and DD experiance.While we get there on Sat.,I don't plan to play BJ until Sunday.My thoughts are $350 on Sunday,$175 the next day.Whatever I win(or have leftover) from either session goes home with me.While I can afford to lose all $800,it would be a cruel blow to my ego to come home broke.I'm hoping to enjoy myself,not go broke and get motivated to putting in the time needed to get to the next level,for my return visit in September.