Minnesota/Western WI Casinos?


New Member
Can anyone provide me any information regarding games in Minnesota and/or Western WI casinos? Rules, Pen, etc.? Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
The biggest one is Mystic Lake, outside of Minneapolis and you'll find that there seem to be no rhyme nor reason to how they do things! I've read some HORRIBLE experiences that were totally opposite to what I had one month, and then identical to the next time I was there. Seems like that is ONE where you just 'goes and takes your chances'. And if you don't like what you see this week, try again next!

A quick rundown: H17, some with LS, some without. One week the DD was about 50% and everyone else around 65%, the NEXT week everyone seemed to be cutting round 75%! (See above comment about 'no rhyme nor reason). 2 largish pits with a couple of 4d ($10 min.) one DD ($25 min.) and the rest 6 & 8 (5 & 10 min.) No CSM, a few hand-shuffles in shoes, the rest ASM. On Mondays they have one pit that have 3-6 $3.00 minimum tables from 8a-6p. A high roller pit that I didn't bother going in. The two other casino's that I have haunted are both small, up north and out of the way with only shoes.

Hope it helps, please let me know how your trip goes!