creeping panther
Last night I and 3 other members of this forum got a chance to meet the Legendary Team of "Moo And His Invincibles".
Moo and the Invincibles employ a great cover scheme but underneath that ingenius cover is a group of brilliant graduate students who seem to take the casinos money at will.
Moo himself is the unchallenged leader of the Invincibles, standing way over 6 feet tall and a slim powerfull build he commands respect from his Invincibles, as well as the pit and dealers, and the Invincibles follow him with unquestioned loyalty.
I have known Moo from a past BJ BASH but I had never met his Invincibles, however he has mentioned them often.
We all had a great evening, which was actually very spur of the moment, going into the early morning hours, an unusual event for an old timer like myself, but the great company and seeing such skilled players in action was a great treat, one that will soon be repeated at the BJ BASH
I would like to thanks Moo for allowing myself and 3 others to meet up with his great team, "Moo And His Invincibles".
Moo and the Invincibles employ a great cover scheme but underneath that ingenius cover is a group of brilliant graduate students who seem to take the casinos money at will.
Moo himself is the unchallenged leader of the Invincibles, standing way over 6 feet tall and a slim powerfull build he commands respect from his Invincibles, as well as the pit and dealers, and the Invincibles follow him with unquestioned loyalty.
I have known Moo from a past BJ BASH but I had never met his Invincibles, however he has mentioned them often.
We all had a great evening, which was actually very spur of the moment, going into the early morning hours, an unusual event for an old timer like myself, but the great company and seeing such skilled players in action was a great treat, one that will soon be repeated at the BJ BASH
I would like to thanks Moo for allowing myself and 3 others to meet up with his great team, "Moo And His Invincibles".