More Splitting


The other day, in regards to splitting, QFIT provided this link,

which was extremely helpful, but has raised questions concerning the "Split Any 16" rule. I’ve searched the web over for an answer to these questions, but to no avail, so I’m hoping I can find the answers here.

Now I know this is rare, and from the outside looking in may not be worth all the effort, but I still need an answer.

Suppose I’m dealt a 10-6 in a casino that allows splitting 16’s and I split it. Suppose I get a 10 on the 6, giving me another 16. Can I split it?

Going back to the original two cards, suppose my 10 gets a 10, which now becomes a pair. Can I split a pair that came from a split 16?

Thanks for any help...

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
markhsp said:
The other day, in regards to splitting, QFIT provided this link,

which was extremely helpful, but has raised questions concerning the "Split Any 16" rule. I’ve searched the web over for an answer to these questions, but to no avail, so I’m hoping I can find the answers here.

Now I know this is rare, and from the outside looking in may not be worth all the effort, but I still need an answer.

Suppose I’m dealt a 10-6 in a casino that allows splitting 16’s and I split it. Suppose I get a 10 on the 6, giving me another 16. Can I split it?

Going back to the original two cards, suppose my 10 gets a 10, which now becomes a pair. Can I split a pair that came from a split 16?

Thanks for any help...
As long as resplit is allows sure you can i dont see why not. Ive never played a game where you can split any 16 though


Well-Known Member
standard toaster said:
As long as resplit is allows sure you can i dont see why not. Ive never played a game where you can split any 16 though
there was a (reliable) member of this forum who found such a dealer and reported on their account on this forum a little while back.


standard toaster said:
As long as resplit is allows sure you can i dont see why not.
I don't see "why not" either. Unfornately, however, I really need a definitive answer:

Can I re-split a slpit 16, and can I split a pair that came from a split 16?

I know... sounds strange... but I need to know...

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
If a game allows splitting 16's, and a game allows resplitting, logically it follows that a game must allow splitting a 16 after a split unless the rules specifically state otherwise.