It looks like blackjack wont be for fun anymore.....
Please, if you live in Vegas and count, read to the end I want your input...
My restaurant of 26 years is going to fail, and even though Las Vegas is probable in the top 10 worst areas in the nation right now to look for a job...Well, my expertise is in food and beverage, I did deal craps in the early 80's, and I will be going back to dealers school in case a floor or dealing opportunity comes up...And, not to brag, this is a time to be humble, but I'm a pretty good card counter.
I have logged in 600 hours ( I do keep track) over the last 7 years, mostly K.C. and Vegas, my overall is 26.37 an hour average (was over 35.00 till the last 60 hours...bad breaks) which is about right, my play of choice is DD 25 to 150 spread if I dont feel much heat.
Because of the limited amount of DD in Vegas now I'm practicing Wonging the shoes to a true count of 4 of better with a 100 to 300 spread. I'm not worried about winning as much as how often I can play. This is where I would like your input.
I feel each casino would stand up to 60 to 90 min. every 4 months, every 2 months if it's a large resort with more than 1 major pit, per shift, 30 to 60 min. on graveyard.
I counted 70 casinos that at least have 1 beatable BJ game. This gives me about 800 to 1,000 hours a play a year. Of course this will not support me forever and the goal is to find a nice position, but I do want this to help in the looking phase which could be a while. What do you think of times and frequency in the casinos?
Please, if you live in Vegas and count, read to the end I want your input...
My restaurant of 26 years is going to fail, and even though Las Vegas is probable in the top 10 worst areas in the nation right now to look for a job...Well, my expertise is in food and beverage, I did deal craps in the early 80's, and I will be going back to dealers school in case a floor or dealing opportunity comes up...And, not to brag, this is a time to be humble, but I'm a pretty good card counter.
I have logged in 600 hours ( I do keep track) over the last 7 years, mostly K.C. and Vegas, my overall is 26.37 an hour average (was over 35.00 till the last 60 hours...bad breaks) which is about right, my play of choice is DD 25 to 150 spread if I dont feel much heat.
Because of the limited amount of DD in Vegas now I'm practicing Wonging the shoes to a true count of 4 of better with a 100 to 300 spread. I'm not worried about winning as much as how often I can play. This is where I would like your input.
I feel each casino would stand up to 60 to 90 min. every 4 months, every 2 months if it's a large resort with more than 1 major pit, per shift, 30 to 60 min. on graveyard.
I counted 70 casinos that at least have 1 beatable BJ game. This gives me about 800 to 1,000 hours a play a year. Of course this will not support me forever and the goal is to find a nice position, but I do want this to help in the looking phase which could be a while. What do you think of times and frequency in the casinos?